Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Lurking tax 🙂
It would be remiss of me not to welcome someone who has read the whole thread.
One is never quite sure what to do, if anything can be, about those who contribute and then don't. While it may be nice to know one is missed one doesn't want to be intrusive. A few post and find the thread isn't for them, others no doubt get bored and want to chat more, some, and I hope it's few, get clobbered by one of those bricks life throws at one.

Flubenvet vet pellets, writing "one" instead of the many over options :p, I guess you're British.
Whereabouts British are you? You can fill this stuff in on your profile page should you want to.
Thank you! 😌
Yes I should update my profile page, I'm on the very east coast, just about on the most easterly point of the country🏖
There's a low cost spay clinic in our town. I trap feral cats and the clinic neuters them for a nominal price. They recently closed because they cannot find a vet to do surgeries. While speaking to a volunteer about the situation she explained that local vets used to donate their time to do surgeries for the nonprofits, but the practices have since been purchased by companies that don't allow the vets to do volunteer work! That would also explain why prices have been jacked up.
Good on you! There's no telling how many cat lives (not to mention wild birds) you've saved by helping keep the population under control.

We're in an impoverished region of the US, and there are actually quite a few low-cost spay/neuter options here. Not sure whether vets are donating time; we did have a retired-vet neighbor who used to do just that, but he's passed away. Some of the free options are through a local voucher system sponsored by a fund to address pet overpopulation, so that may indicate the vets are paid market rate rather than donating their time. 🤷‍♀️

In other words, members of the community are footing the bill for others' neglect and irresponsibility. Which I suppose is how life works. I mean, this thread wouldn't exist if someone hadn't stepped up to care for souls who were exploited and mistreated by others.

Tax for being exhausted by human failings and inspired by those who pick up the slack: it's bug-hunting season, and the eating is good. You don't want to be an insect at the wrong end of these beaks.

IMG_7798 2.jpg

I've written about Miss Eula's role before. She's 2nd most dominant hen and, like Carbon, the Enforcer. Can you tell?

And here's my friend taking a brief break from his role as Head Junebug Assassin. Lucky me 🥰

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