Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I've found it prudent to remove all bedding and other combustible materials prior to waving a blow torch about, YMMV.:p
Doh! :th Me too, but in my defence, the hens keep laying and hatching so I can never clean out all 4 at the same time, plus the permethrin works for a month or thereabouts so I don't want to throw out freshly powdered shavings to contaminate the wider environment - picking up the resistance theme which I'm sure you know I'm a bit of a nerd about. I would be stripping them all down and jet washing en masse if the hens would stop laying. I only use permethrin as a last resort, like now.
I have yet to experience putting a hot blow torch in any pocket.
Fair cop gov. There was not much call for experience with blow torches in academia :rolleyes: and that was an idiot error. Fortunately my reactions are quite quick and neither clothing nor skin got burned :p
I hope Perris keeps us updated on how they fare with their blow torch cleaning.
Also interested to know how the red mite roundup is going for Perris. 🤠
will do! Nothing crawling when I opened up about 30 mins ago.
the hens keep laying and hatching so I can never clean out all 4 at the same time,
If its warm enough you can use sand mixed with DE as bedding in a nestbox, or you can use is under a very thin layer with normal bedding. I did do last year.

Sand/DE doesn’t burn. And every nymph that crawls over the DE has a very short life.
The left hand side of my face is a mess. I've got a six wide strip of swelling, scabs and dying skin from one side near the top of my skull to just below my left eye. It looks pretty gruesome, close to something from a zombie game.
😳 What happened, did you get assaulted?

I haven't been on lately, so please excuse my ignorance.
The two boys get on well enough. The white one is boss. No signs from either of them that they are remotely interested in questioning Henry's authority.
Five monthish, I would have to look it up to be more accurate.
That's great. My 2 polish cockerel Brothers were friends until last week, 3mo. They would crow beside each other and take turns tidbitting. Occasional scuffle but didnt last long but then we had a near death situation for one of the cock chicks and they've been separated and sent to their respective future homes now. We don't have a rooster atm but have a little mille fleur cockerel who will hopefully become our resident rooster
The left hand side of my face is a mess. I've got a six wide strip of swelling, scabs and dying skin from one side near the top of my skull to just below my left eye. It looks pretty gruesome, close to something from a zombie game.

I wear an eye patch because bright light hurts my eye and my glasses are light sensitive darkening.
I'm on the bus. There's a women with a bit of a brat of a child in the seats in front of me. The child hangs off the headrest the wrong way round in the seat and keeps staring at me and pulling faces.
I bent my head down, took the eye patch off which does cover a lot of the damage and the glasses and then raised my head leant towrds the child and went "wuuuuhwaaah." The child burst into tears.

@Shadrach You have my empathy regarding the shingles.

I have them on the right side of my face for 24 weeks.

I have decided they are never going away.

I have had the sores, scabs, itching, and sometimes it feels like it is on fire.

I hope yours clears up faster than mine are.

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