Share your chicken math story!

Mar 27, 2024
I started with 7 chickens as a gift from my uncle. He didn’t want the roo so he gave us the whole flock. We now have 17 chickens and I don’t feel like typing all their stories but y’all I’m starting to like (chicken) math 🤣 share your stories!
Okay I have added on 10 chickens to our flock. Here’s the story (s).
Our first add Ins- Pip zip, butters and Francisco.
Our peahen went broody. She hatched pip and zip, but she is sadly a homicidal broody. We took the chicks and raised them ourselves.
Two weeks later-

Well what do you know the feed store has Easter eggers! Pullets too! So you grab Two. Long story short, one (Francisco) was NOT a pullet and we reformed him. We kept butters.

We need more layers, so we get two layers. Henny and penny. One is a white rock one is a wyandotte.

Mom said if I rehomed my rabbit. I could get 4-5 more chicks. So I get 4 at TSC. One gets attacked by a predator. So -1. The other four are doing happily,
But I think 1-2 of them are Roos. Just my luck. Anyways.

Zip goes broody- we give her four eggs. Two died no idea why, (well actually the eggs cracked) anyways. two hatched, they doin amazin. Long story short- get more chickens!
I have, um... about 20 older layers. So I order 12 chicks this spring, six each Sapphire Gems and Prairie Bluebell Eggers. I plan to cull the old girls. I do cull some for the freezer and also have a few losses due to age and illness. One of the Egger chicks dies so I have 11 pullets. Somehow I end up with 22 total layers and the rooster. I drive 400 miles to Alabama (from MO) to get a dozen beautiful lavender EE, figuring some will be cockerels (freezer) and maybe I will sell some. The breeder encourages me to take 4 extra in case of losses on the way. Very hardy chicks, all survive. A dog gets in and kills one of my beautiful Gems. I am down to 21 layers. And 16 three-week old chicks. And a rooster. Total: 36 birds. My hen house holds 25 birds, max. :he:barnie
I really can't remember it all. We went up, down, all around.

We just got down to 14 as I made my final, final breeder selections (and some are older pet status hens we can't part with). It's the first time we've had this few in years.
But, the 2 broodies are sitting on eggs and the incubator is full...
Over the many years things have shifted a lot.

My last years math tripled my flock.
My layers were getting up in years by a lot. After buying eggs during winter I decided it was time to refresh my flock.
I bought 6 " hatchery choice rare breed". A few days later little Dumpling (named that due to never doing well) passed away. I chose a dark brahma as a replacement. Then I realized hatchery choice is normally straight run! Well I wanted pullets darn it. Of course that meant buying 6 more sexed chicks.
As it turned out one of the sexed chicks was a cockerel and all the first group were pullets.
Fall came around and I ran across blue copper marans discounted to $2 each. Of course I didn't NEED them but I came home with them.
They had the usual horrid pasty butts which was easily fixed.
My cockerel was about 7 months old by then. He didn't exactly approve of me grabbing chicks and them peeping in panic lol. No harm done since he is a good boy and won't attack but he certainly charged into the coop at full speed ready for action.

None of my old ladies have passed this year so I now have 29 chickens. I really only NEED 6.

That rare breed group ended up being 2 buff brahmas and 3 olive eggers. I am not disappointed with that at all. Dumpling was likely a buff Orpington.

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