Shattered goose egg

I didn't see these posts until now, but the chick has started peeping and has cracked the egg. It frequently peeps but hasn't hatched yet. We don't know what to do with it when it does, there is a broody goose with eggs but this egg is not from her clutch so we don't know when hers will hatch.
Definitely let the baby push out when it chooses too, they’ll pip before they’re finished absorbing their yolk which they need to do before hatching. hatching can take awhile for waterfowl babies too.
The beginning of the post it said you thought it was a wild bird egg if I read that right. If it is you should call parks and wildlife.
You could call a waterfowl rehabber. They can take the gosling and prepare it for a life in the wild
They are domestic geese but they free range and we do not feed them. There are lots of flocks of them in our country. There is no one to call here, it's a developing nation and we leave far from he city

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