Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Hi everyone. Sorry for not checking in. It has been a busy stressful time, and I am very tired. My hubs and our 2 kids are still squished in at my sister's house with all the chickens, 2 cats, a dog, a house bun, parakeet and cockatiel!

Learned about the fires Sunday just before midnight. At 2:30am (Mon), woke hubs and asked him to confirm that I was not crazy and we should think about packing up. He saw the glow from the fire on the ridge above us to the east and shortly after where it had jumped the road to the south. The glow got brighter and we could hear the roar of the fire, but could not see flames. 3am we woke some neighbors and started packing up, animals first. 13 laying hens got thrown in the back of our small pickup under the camper shell. Everyone else and the necessary gear and supplies were being loaded when the official notice came to evacuate at 3:30am. We spent another hour trying to get things we wanted to save, and then headed out... a caravan of 4 vehicles and 3 licensed drivers :)oops: well, the 16 yr old almost has his license) and drove over the hills in the dark to my sister's house, about 20 minutes away. You could see flames off in the distance. It looked very bad.

Monday night, the flames from the ridge were creeping down toward our neighborhood, so it was a restless night not knowing the outcome. Several large areas of houses had already been completely destroyed by the fire Sunday night, so it was a huge worry. Early Tues morning we got word that the amazing firefighters saved our neighborhood. Big relief, but not out of the woods yet, because on Wed, the fire flared up in Annadel State Park, which borders on our neighborhood to the north at the top of the ridge. We are on the valley floor. Very relieved again on Thurs morning to find that the wonderful firefighters saved our bacon a second time! :bow They are amazing.

So here we are on Friday, hoping the danger is over for us, but knowing that this ordeal is not over for many people. Erratic strong winds and extremely dry conditions in hilly rugged terrain have created the worst fire storm in CA history. What started as one fire in Napa became 14 small fires in 3 counties. Most of those fires have merged into one huge fire, and several new ones have popped up in counties farther north. Estimates of 5700 homes burned... So far.

We have not been able to return to our neighborhood, which is frustrating, because I accidentally left a broody behind. She had water but no food, although the pop door is on auto timer and run by batteries (no power since Monday... :( dreading the refrigerator) so broody can get out of the run and go eat apples during the day if she's hungry. Stress and frustrations aside, we are so grateful that our house still stands, as does my dad's place up at the farm. So many people have lost so much. It is horrible.

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This picture was taken Thursday around noon. The red is actually green trees, black shows burned grass. You can see how close it got to my neighborhood. (I'm on east side of Birch Dr.) The stripey looking pink fields are vineyards. To the far right are the white skeletons of burned houses on the eastern ridge above our neighborhood. Some 75 homes burned up there Sunday night. We didn't know it, but could hear muted explosions that were probably propane tanks. It all happened too quickly. The winds were horrible... aptly named the Diablo winds.

Oh, we tried to get home again today, denied by a very friendly county sheriff's deputy, who told me to contact the county animal control about my left behind broody. They send out people every day to care for pets left behind. So I called, and my broody was put on the list and was supposed to be checked on today. They will give her more water and put out some food. Hope they don't try to pet her, because that's the one I renamed Chomp!

I will try to post more tomorrow. Glad you found a good home for the ducks Cheeka. Do you still have a trip planned?
Happy hunting, Scrambles. Ron, glad you are away from this fire. When is it going to rain??? :fl
Thanks for the update! I hope the broody is doing ok and that she is fed and gets water today. Chicks will be real miracles when they hatch!

The wind is bad here again today. The closest to rain is Tuesday when clouds are in the forcast. Thursday says mostly cloudy. Then back to sunny of course. At least the nasty north wind should switch to south with higher humidity
Yes, the expected high winds never showed up today, so they made good progress against the fires. Forecast says slight chance of rain for us Thursday. I don't believe it... first rain always seems to come on Halloween! High humidity would be very welcome.

Fortunately, Chomp the broody is sitting on imaginary eggs, so no worries about chicks. The only rooster I have weighs about a pound, and he doesn't recognize large hens as chickens, but as the enemy!

Still no word when we can go home. One neighbor reported that the power was back on, but when we call home the answering machine doesn't pick up. Either her info is wrong or our machine bit the dust. Or, the worst, everyone else has power but us.
Yes, the expected high winds never showed up today, so they made good progress against the fires. Forecast says slight chance of rain for us Thursday. I don't believe it... first rain always seems to come on Halloween! High humidity would be very welcome.

Fortunately, Chomp the broody is sitting on imaginary eggs, so no worries about chicks. The only rooster I have weighs about a pound, and he doesn't recognize large hens as chickens, but as the enemy!

Still no word when we can go home. One neighbor reported that the power was back on, but when we call home the answering machine doesn't pick up. Either her info is wrong or our machine bit the dust. Or, the worst, everyone else has power but us.
It would be nice to get back home. If containment continues to grow you should be back soon.

Nearly a week now!
W4W.... whew! Your home survived!!
Hunting went good. I’ve learned to enjoy hunting grouse (got4) and I got a nice fat doe. It was lots of work getting her out of the woods at night, but now I can relax for the rest of the season.
Rumpy was in the coop when we got home. I gave her some scrambled eggs and when I checked on her again, she was in the pen with the flock. :clap
W4W.... whew! Your home survived!!
Hunting went good. I’ve learned to enjoy hunting grouse (got4) and I got a nice fat doe. It was lots of work getting her out of the woods at night, but now I can relax for the rest of the season.
Rumpy was in the coop when we got home. I gave her some scrambled eggs and when I checked on her again, she was in the pen with the flock. :clap
Good for her!
Hi everybody! Finally back in my own unburned home. The evacuation was lifted on Monday afternoon and we have been super busy trying to get reorganized and settled in. The hills all around us are black. It's very unnerving to see how close the fire came, and how close we were to losing the house. Mon and Tues I ended up having to help my brother, who had a minor accident and needed rides from the ER and to the drs office, and grocery shopping and prescriptions, etc. (he's going to be fine, by the way), but it took me until Wed to get myself moved back home. I am exhausted, but so glad I have my home to be exhausted in. We were extremely fortunate. So many others lost houses and pets and lives. This fire was one for the history books. The best news is that tonight it is actually RAINING!! :wee The ash is getting washed from the sky and the trees and the air smells fresh for the first time in over a week. Of course, it's also helping the firefighters, since the fires are not yet out, although there is nothing active near us. Life will return to normal in time, but for now we are grateful to be whole and back home.

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