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I used outdoor carpet with rubber exercise mat underneath for cushioning. I need to find some fake grass stuff I think.

I would think that anything that can be washed out would be a good choice. We used to have that fake grass stuff in one of our boats and that was pretty easy to wash off. Even if you have to buy a piece of that fake grass carpeting, it would not cost too much for your nest box.

I did a Google search online and the AI responded with this suggestion...


:idunnoI use Dollar Tree plastic dish pans as my nest boxes. If/when they get dirty, I can take them out and wash them with soap and water. I don't have the roll away egg design, so I just use wood chips or cardboard sheds as disposal nest material. I can get/make that nesting material for free. Probably not an option for a roll away egg nest box.
I used outdoor carpet with rubber exercise mat underneath for cushioning. I need to find some fake grass stuff I think.

I would think that anything that can be washed out would be a good choice. We used to have that fake grass stuff in one of our boats and that was pretty easy to wash off. Even if you have to buy a piece of that fake grass carpeting, it would not cost too much for your nest box.

I did a Google search online and the AI responded with this suggestion...

View attachment 3895208

:idunnoI use Dollar Tree plastic dish pans as my nest boxes. If/when they get dirty, I can take them out and wash them with soap and water. I don't have the roll away egg design, so I just use wood chips or cardboard sheds as disposal nest material. I can get/make that nesting material for free. Probably not an option for a roll away egg nest box.
⚠️ Pallet Wood Modular Workbench Upgrades

About a year and a half ago, I made a couple of modular 2X4 foot workbenches. The initial modular workbench idea was from a YouTube video, but I reworked it to use mostly pallet/reclaimed wood and I add some wheels to make them more mobile. The great advantage to the modular workbench idea was that you can bolt the workbenches together in just about any shape or configuration depending on your needs.

Here is a picture of the modular workbench I built, both the same...


The big advantage to these modular workbenches is those holes you see drilled into the top 2X4 frame. There are holes drilled into the front, back and both sides. You can bolt the workbenches together in many configurations. With just the two workbenches I built, I can have two separate 2X4 foot workbenches, or one long 2X8 foot workbench, or one 4X4 foot square workbench.

There is a lot of unused space under the workbench top, so I initially planned on using for a catch all storage...


I packed it much better over time then in that photo, but mainly it was larger boxes and storages containers.

I always wanted to upgrade my modular workbenches by adding some cabinets and/or drawers to make better use out that storage area.

🤔 One of the things I have been buying at Harbor Freight is their parts storage cases. I hope to organize my stuff better. Anyways, I bought a number of medium and large storage cases that I had just stacked up one on top of another in the garage. Here are the storage cases...


The cases are the same size expect that the large case is about twice as deep. Well, I wanted a better way to store my parts cases and last week I got the idea to make some kind of rack system in my modular workbench to store the cases.

After considering a number of different options, I decided to drill peg holes in the 2X4 legs, along with a few extra 2X4's, and make a peg hole shelf type system for them. The advantage to the peg holes, of course, is that I can reconfigure the shelving to hold different sized cases.

Here is one end of my upgraded modular workbench, with the shelves filled with the large storage boxes...


The other end also has more peg hole shelving...


The big advantage to this shelving design is that I can now take out any individual storage case on it's own, whereas before they were all just stacked one on top of another and if you wanted the bottom case, you had to remove all the other cases on top of it.

You may have noticed that some cases are already filled and organized with parts. Those are the cases with labels on the front handle. My goal is to get more and more of my parts moved into those cases, labeled properly, and put in this shelf.

And, I was not done yet! I also had some space left in the middle, so I drilled more peg holes in the middle 2X4's and got that space ready for some larger shelves if I need them...


I have a few larger shelves already cut for that middle shelf, but I have not decided what will be going in there yet.

:yesss: This upgrade was made possible by using full sized pallet wood 2X4's (no notches), plywood tops I salvaged from some full top pallets, and some shelving boards I salvaged from a neighbor's junk pile from his cabinets upgrade. I had those shelving boards stored for about 4 years before they found their use in this project!

I would really like to build another two of these modular workbenches, but I just don't have the room for them in my garage. Maybe someday...

🤓 For anyone interested in that YouTube video I got the idea from, check this out...

My daughter's pallet lumber chicken coop


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My chicken coop using pallet lumber

My daughter's pallet lumber chicken coop

:love Thanks for all those pictures.

I built my chicken coop before I got into using pallet wood, so I really love seeing what others have built with pallet wood for their setups. I saved about half my costs on my coop build using salvaged lumber, but I think if I did it today, I'd find a way just to use mostly pallet wood. I'm more of the mind today to keep the expenses down as much as possible. The chickens don't care much on what you use.
Are the horseshoes some sort of latch?

🤔 Yeah, that really caught my attention, too. Took me a few looks to figure out what it was and how it worked.

Yes. One is a handle for opening the window/door. The other is attached only by one screw that is not tight. It can spin and loop into the handle

Perfect! That's what I eventually worked out from the pictures. It certainly gives an extra flair to the project! Who thought up that creative idea?

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