Show me your quail pens!!!


I'm about 99% done with my first quail pen, which I built roughly modeled after Tlgrimmy's design on YouTube. Its 6x4x2 with the interior height in the pens at 12 inches and a sloping floor for egg roll out. The top pen is shown with the lids off for egg removal. I built a watering system and installed lights this weekend but haven't got a good picture yet.
Sweet! I like the design! You'll have to be careful opening the doors. With wide doors the spooky birds will try and make a break for it... Good thing is when they do get out, they generally just stand there with dumb look like, "Huh, what do I do now?!?!".... You'll enjoy your new pens!
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Thanks! Yeah, I'm a little worried about escapees but fortunately I won't have to go in often as I've got bulk feeders and an external water source and egg roll out. But yes, I will watch out. Glad to hear they usually just sit there once they escape. This is my first go round with quail so I was a bit worried about that.
You'll be fine. You would'nt believe how many chukar, bobs and coturnix I have caught with my ball cap... And im a "not-so-graceful" fat man!
I like it. Do you use this as a typical Johnny house where you release most and keep a few inside to call the others back? How old are the birds when you put them in it, 6 weeks or so?
I usually put them in around 6-8 weeks of age, depending on weather.

I don't use it as a recall pen, being I train on public land. Wisconsin doesn't allow recalling on public land. I have a few friends who use them to recall, and they work very well.....until a raccoon or fox finds them. Anyway, mine is just a house in my back yard for my bobs. I got the idea from these guys. It's basically similar to theirs, but without the recall features.
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I just read this entire thread and wanted to send out a HUGE THANKS! And high fives all around
I'm trying to patiently wait for the rain to stop and the sun to warm up so I can finish my main coop and I went and committed myself to buying soon to hatch quail lol
I was freaking out about housing these sweeties when I stumbled across this three.
You guys Rock

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