SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

Baked chicken thighs from scratch; seasoned with a light sprinkle of pepper, a dibblin of poultry seasoning and salt...and a generous intention of seasoning salt.
Oven roasted for a crispy skin and juicy interior.

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Baked potatoes; oven roasted to perfection...garnished with light pat of margarine and topped with creamy sour cream.


To add a pop of color...a light garden salad sprinkled with topping of marble cheese and a dab of ranch on the side.


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But it's non hydrogenated. :thumbsup

My mom used margarine when I was a kid, but not before I experienced real butter made at home from raw fresh milk. As an adult I only use butter and my kids were appalled that Grammy tried to pawn off the fake stuff on them:lau
Butter here is approximately $5 for one pound.
Hydrogenated margarine can be purchased for $2.89 on sale for TWO pounds.
Not many people use butter on a full time basis here that I know of. :confused:

I'm just messing with ya!:hugs I was raised on margarine. I actually never even had real butter till late into my adulthood. Its nice that they can make it non hydrogenated now (I hear its very soft.)

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