Sick Peachick


13 Years
Mar 1, 2010
E. Central, MN
Sick Peachick is 1 month old today. It follows the other peachicks mostly and hardly searches for food on its own. I caged it with a lamp 3 days ago. Gave it Corrid in water for 2 days... Not very active, stays under the lamp. Today it is breathing with open mouth. Chest not rattling. Chick weighs 8oz! I have Tylan 200. Not sure how much to give and if it can be administered oral. I did just check for gape worm, none.
Please advise.
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@casportpony do you have any ideas?

Im sorry the chick isnt doing well! I sincerely hope casportpony can give you some suggestions.
She may need more info such as..
What do you feed it?
What does its poop look like? Pics help with this
Any caughing, sneezing or drainage from eyes, nasal passages or mouth?
And she or others may have more question but these should get you started at any rate. Best wishes and hope she is well soon.
Sick Peachick is 1 month old today. It follows the other peachicks mostly and hardly searches for food on its own. I caged it with a lamp 3 days ago. Gave it Corrid in water for 2 days... Not very active, stays under the lamp. Today it is breathing with open mouth. Chest not rattling. Chick weighs 8oz! I have Tylan 200. Not sure how much to give and if it can be administered oral. I did just check for gape worm, none.
Please advise.
Can you post a video of it? Can you take it to a vet?
To post video upload to youtube or vimeo then copy/paste the link here.
She is doing better. I have wormed her, put 2 other chicks in with her for company. She loves her daily scrambles, does not have heavy breathing anymore. I suspect that was from fear of being held for the video. Thank you to all who advised here and privately.

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