Silkie Chicken Leg Paralysis


In the Brooder
Dec 30, 2023
Hi! I have a 4 month old silkie hen that is unable to walk. I hatched her in August and she has always been very healthy. Suddenly she was limping on December 11th and by December 19th become immobile. She is alert, eating, and her poop looks good. I currently have her in a sling. She can kick her legs but can't stand up and they are stuck out in front of her.

I started her on poultry cell and rooster booster. Upped the game to vitamin B12 liquid. Hoping that works.

She doesn't have all the signs of Marek's besides the leg issue. I have a small flock and I've hatched them and haven't had any issues before.

Any advice on what I can do? I'm desperate and want to save her but I also don't want her to suffer. Thank you so much!!!
You're doing what I was going to suggest as in the vitamins. Get some E though too. 400 (approx) I.U. a few times a day. Give her scrambled eggs or tuna too for the selenium.

She should be still on grower crumbles as she wouldn't be laying for a couple of months yet.

Have you checked for bumblefoot? I doubt that's the issue but it's worth checking to be sure. That would show like a lump on the bottom of her foot, usually covered by a black scab.

P.S. Welcome to BYC!!
You're doing what I was going to suggest as in the vitamins. Get some E though too. 400 (approx) I.U. a few times a day. Give her scrambled eggs or tuna too for the selenium.

She should be still on grower crumbles as she wouldn't be laying for a couple of months yet.

Have you checked for bumblefoot? I doubt that's the issue but it's worth checking to be sure. That would show like a lump on the bottom of her foot, usually covered by a black scab.
Hi! I've checked for bumblefoot and leg mites. Nothing there.

She is not a fan of scrambled eggs so I'll try tuna!! Thank you for that advice.

I did switch her back to grower crumb as I recently moved the flock to layer feed in mid November. I'll add in the vitamin E. 🙏

Thank you so much!
Hi! I've checked for bumblefoot and leg mites. Nothing there.

She is not a fan of scrambled eggs so I'll try tuna!! Thank you for that advice.

I did switch her back to grower crumb as I recently moved the flock to layer feed in mid November. I'll add in the vitamin E. 🙏

Thank you so much!
This could take a couple or even a few weeks for her to get totally over this, but should stop her from digressing and you may see small improvements each day.
She may have Riboflavin Deficiency, which would need to be treated with Vitamin B2 supplements.
Hi! Thank you for the reply. Do you think the B2 is enough in the poultry cell or should I give her a specific B2 supplement? Amazon has this B2 liquid. I appreciate your support!


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Thank you! 🙏
You're welcome.
She'll need several doses a day until improvement is made. She can be given 1-2 capsules in a wet mash each meal, & one capsule by mouth spaced out every few hours, or so. Or dose her during times your able to at least. It's impossible to overdose with Riboflavin, it's a water soluble vitamin.

I'd continue for another week as a maintenance to be sure she's completely in the clear.
You're welcome.
She'll need several doses a day until improvement is made. She can be given 1-2 capsules in a wet mash each meal, & one capsule by mouth spaced out every few hours, or so. Or dose her during times your able to at least. It's impossible to overdose with Riboflavin, it's a water soluble vitamin.

I'd continue for another week as a maintenance to be sure she's completely in the clear.
Awesome! I'll begin that today. Finger crossed. Thank you so much.

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