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- #11
The chick has every feature of a silkie except the wings. I kinda lied on the first comment when I said that he has some patches of white skin. He doesn’t I confused him with another chick. The head floof looks pretty much the same from his parents when they were young to me. The other rooster that I have is a weird mix of old English bantam (here we call them gypsy chickens).One of them must've at some point, it's genetically (nearly) impossible for this chick to come from two Silkie parents. Bear in mind hens can sometimes be able to store a roo's sperm in her body for up to months at a time, so any contact she could've had with another rooster in the past couple months would've produced this chick. Does it have other silkie features? I see it has feathered feet, does it have the extra toes? The head floof looks a little lacking like it only has one copy of the gene.
What other roosters do you have? Like what breed. Or do you neighbors have any? As the chick grows you'll be more able to definitively tell who/what the father is.