Silkie Rooster


Mar 16, 2025
Hey everyone new here and have a couple of questions. First does anyone know what one of my Silkie roosters “proper” color name would be.( has copper/rust coloration on wings I attached a photo of him. Also can more than one Silkie Roosters get a long and be happy in a small flock? Thank you!
I would guess he is a grey with leakage. He also has a single comb which is a fault if you are breeding toward the SOP, but that doesn't detract from his ability to he a handsome rooster for your flock.

Having more than one rooster in one flock will depend on their character as to whether they can get along or not. You can try it but at some point you may need to separate them. Also be watching for signs that the hens are being overmated.

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