Silkie thread!

Is she eating?
Does she only want water to drink?
Does the water run out of her mouth when you pick her up?

She was running out of coop stuffing herself going back to nest box all day then coming out to gorge before going back to box, she did this for two days. I thought she was going broody on me but she was still laying eggs. The third day , yesterday, I picked her up and found her crop huge and hard about baseball size, she also felt hot. I brought her in and started the dulcolax, oil and water. I tried to give her a bit of egg with olive oil she didn't like it much. I had let them out a couple of nights before this started and she was eating grass so I thought impaction. She had normal poops this morning till I gave her more dulcolax, her crop was down to more of golf ball size this morning, it's squishy like a balloon today. She's not eating or drinking much I've been giving her water with an eyedropper. Nothing running out of her mouth.
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She's not clucking more of a whiny or growl noise I think she would eat if I put crumbles without being wet or oily out for her. I tried to limit her food through the night and afternoon yesterday and today. She just wants to lay down, I took her outside for a bit just now and she perked up and pooped a bunch, I put her in nest box now just in case she needs to lay an egg. Thank you so much for helping me out here!
If she's growling? Then she's probably going broody! She should be fluffing her feathers out at other chickens around her too. Would this be her first time to set and raise babies?
I've had hens that would scream at me when I'd reach into their cages. When I reached underneath them they'd growl at me.
My hen's that got the yeast infection was constantly drinking water. Wouldn't eat either. Have you tried wetting some crumbles/chick starter to see if she'd eat that? Set it in the nest with her.

If she's going into set mode? She won't leave the nest except to potty, grab a bite to eat, drink and then will go right back to the nest. I always kept the food, water in the cage with the setting hen. I took them out twice a day to potty. I had several hens that would come peck my pants legs when they were ready to go back inside!

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Yes this would be her first time going broody, she doesn't have any eggs under her though and yes she does puff up, I almost wonder if she thinks that swollen crop is an egg.
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It wouldn't matter if she had eggs or not!
When they go broody? They'll set on a golfball! LOL
It's a known fact! Silkies have one goal in life. Set and raise babies!
This sounds like she's safe from the yeast infection! Crossing my fingers here!

Thank you, here's hoping she's going to be okay. I put a call into a vet 60 miles away waiting for her to call back now. She's been laying some huge eggs lately too, I've been saving them up if she is healthy she just might get those eggs under her yet.

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