Silkie thread!


This is my baby silkie hen watching TV with her daddy <3
I would like some advice I just got 6 goslings, their mom was killed by jackals so the guy decided to sell the babies before the jackals get them too. I'm thinking of placing them with the silkies is this a good idea? The black hen is broody because she has the two chicks already will she take them in maybe?
I would like some advice I just got 6 goslings, their mom was killed by jackals so the guy decided to sell the babies before the jackals get them too.  I'm thinking of placing them with the silkies is this a good idea?  The black hen is broody because she has the two chicks already will she take them in maybe?

Oh poor babies. It might work for the short term but the goslings will rapidly outgrow their brooder mates. The main problem with water birds being raised with chickens is that they foul the water up and make far more mess. You can see my article on the home page about different species being raised together.

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