Silver Laced Barnevelder Chicks/Hatching Eggs?

Someone in the facebook group for silver barnevelder has larg fowl silvers, and I think I saw they were in NY. Maybe same person
im selling off a few of my pure dbl laced silver barnies 4 months old, i can ship around aug-sept when weather is cooler if your intrested make me an offer, no low ballers please it will be shipping plus cost of bird and box **LARGE FOWLS not greenfires banties*
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I have 3 Silver Double Laced Barnevelder chicks who are 2 months old. My best guess is that 2 are pullets. My question is about their feathers. At two months old are these their adult feathers or are they going to get more, better defined lacing? Currently they are not very laced and do not have much white in their tails. I bought the hatching eggs from s seller who bought her stock from Greenfire Farms. They are bantams.

Thanks, Nina
Hi there! Does anybody know of anyone near NW Arkansas (within 200 miles) that has silver double laced barnies for sale? I'll take chicks or hatching eggs. I'm not gonna get any until Spring, but I was just wanting to get in contact with someone, in case I have to order way in advance. If anyone knows of anyone, even if not near here, I would really appreciate it. I'm looking for LF, btw. I REALLY want some of these birds, but I can't find them anywhere!!

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