Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing

That is great news, thank you!
The chicks are now 10 weeks old and are bigger than full grown Hamburgs. These are the first really big chooks I have had,
Hi, welcome to BYC!

Some of those waddles were looking a bit red, but that can be very subjective depending on excitement. If you like you can post the pics again to see how the development has come along.
What kind of grass is this?
Or is it a rug?

BTW..I see pointy I would guess boy.

Hi there thanks for the reply I am now at peace that Dottie is a boy and will have to be exchanged. We love it so much though I'm very sad.He is walking on our lawn in this pic it is kikuyu grass that we use in South Africa can withstand loads of sun and heat. He loves coming right into the house. So sad.
Sadly seems to be a cockerel. We are not allowed to have them in town so... we love him and won't actually mind him... maybe he will turn put to be a quiet chap
Quiet chap! My hens raise a bigger ruckus than my roosters do. They think they have to announce to the world that they are getting ready to lay. And sometimes the cockerels egg sing with the hens!
And another thread I saw this morning... a 5 year old hen started crowing. Weirder things have happened.

I often like the cockerels more than the pullets.... But once their hormones kick in and they become much more protective and a lot less human friendly. It can happen over night. But it takes a while to get there. Or they could respect the humans and avoid all possible contact (which really is ideal). It's a maturing process... first they chase tail with no manners. Then they learn to dance and call girls to treats. eventually standing guard while they dirt bathe. And then a couple months later you make a movement and he decides you're suddenly a threat.

I have seen people using "no crow collars". I have also heard of injuries happening because of them. So while I probably wouldn't use it... it may be an option for you.

Good luck!
HA! :gig  Quiet chap! My hens raise a bigger ruckus than my roosters do. They think they have to announce to the world that they are getting ready to lay. And sometimes the cockerels egg sing with the hens! :p  And another thread I saw this morning... a 5 year old hen started crowing. Weirder things have happened.

I often like the cockerels more than the pullets.... But once their hormones kick in and they become much more protective and a lot less human friendly. It can happen over night. But it takes a while to get there. Or they could respect the humans and avoid all possible contact (which really is ideal). It's a maturing process... first they chase tail with no manners. Then they learn to dance and call girls to treats. eventually standing guard while they dirt bathe. And then a couple months later you make a movement and he decides you're suddenly a threat. :/

I have seen people using "no crow collars". I have also heard of injuries happening because of them. So while I probably wouldn't use it... it may be an option for you. :confused:  

Good luck! :fl

LOL!!! Thanks so much I had such a nice chuckle now, your explanation so vivid. I hear what you say about noise of hens never thought about it like that, you made quite a good case for him now.
I am having a hard time deciding if this is a hen or roo. Based on it's personality, my guess is rooster.
Whatever it is, it's definitely a mean bird, lol. Hoping someone can help me!
Pullet, mine was the most agressive, actually pecked me in the side of the head when I walked by her at eye level once. She has settled down as she has grown older,
They are 22 wks!
I thought she looked like a hen but acts like an aggressive rooster.
A mean hen...just my luck, lol.

Thank you for your reply!
She looks like she should be laying before too long. Neither of my GLW are mean. But every single one of my girls becomes a bit friendlier (to humans) a little after they begin laying, as Cel45 said.

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