Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Chicki, sorry for the anxiety that you had to deal with and sorry for the poor chicks. Sad update, but pretty much what I expected.
Thanks Sour, yeah, me too. I actually view it as bordering on the miraculous that there was anything in that ridiculous box that could be brought back. My original intent in opening the box at all was to just count the bodies. I was almost as surprised this morning to find that my three little survivors were all still with me. Still being guardedly optimistic but a bit more hopeful since I was finally able to get them started eating solids with the aid of some scrambled egg. (Prior they were only interested in the water/nutridrench.)

I was really hoping all 3 would make it. I have found that a minimum of 3 makes the best number for a small "sub flock".
What breed are the three? And giant :fl for them! If their little crops are filling up, I think they then have an excellent chance! (Check their crops for me...if they aren't filling up yet, hand feed them a bit)
Thanks Sour, yeah, me too.  I actually view it as bordering on the miraculous that there was anything in that ridiculous box that could be brought back.  My original intent in opening the box at all was to just count the bodies.  I was almost as surprised this morning to find that my three little survivors were all still with me.  Still being guardedly optimistic but a bit more hopeful since I was finally able to get them started eating solids with the aid of some scrambled egg.  (Prior they were only interested in the water/nutridrench.)  

I was really hoping all 3 would make it.  I have found that a minimum of 3 makes the best number for a small "sub flock".  
chicki glad to hear 3 are doing a little better for you! Continuing to keep my fingers crossed for you and your chicks!
What breed are the three? And giant
for them! If their little crops are filling up, I think they then have an excellent chance! (Check their crops for me...if they aren't filling up yet, hand feed them a bit)
So far they are only eating (that I can see anyway) is scrambled egg from my hand. That is except the rowdy one who has been picking at everything. The other two are now starting to come running when that one says "hey! I found something yummy" then they try to steal what she's got instead of figuring out where she got it from (like from my hand or off the floor of the brooder). Those two have started nibbling on scrambled egg but so far not too interested in the chick starter. Never had that problem before with chicks.

Think it would help to moisten some just so they get used to the taste?
They all seem to be drinking and pooping just fine.

Their crops don't appear completely empty, but not as stuffed as I am used to seeing in 5 day old chicks. I guess since they were literally frozen to death, that they are eating at all is a bit of a miracle. The one that wasn't breathing is the one now doing the best! They are all sleeping alot, even for young chicks, but considering they are only a bit more than 24 hours out from their ordeal, I guess I would be too.

I had ordered several sexed SLW,GLW and Partridge Rocks. Crazy thing is one of each is what survived.
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I have a friend that named his kid Lazarus, and no, there was no brush with death in regards to the pregancy or delivery. :confused: They call him Laz. Dunno about for a girl though. Lazari?? Lazaria???

Chicki, if they will eat from your hand, keep feeding them from your hand, several times during the day. It might take them two days to start eating on their own.
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