Sled dog breeding

Most contracts will give a deadline for doing x-rays. OFA will grade hips on a preliminary basis at 4 months old, give official results at 2. Any dog used for any purpose can and should have xrays done. Even if you don't send them to OFA, a decent vet can give you an idea of how they look. If there is a questionable result, then you spend the $20 or so and have them graded by OFA. Most breeders say to have them done by 2 years old, some give a bit of leeway in how long you have. HD isn't something that "develops" though some things can make what would have been a mild problem much much worse. Many genetic issues now have tests so that you can know if your dog is a carrier. If not, then you know by the lines. It still happens, if no dog in the line is bred to that "wrong" dog and produced a litter with problems, then there will eventually be a first time. But you still do everything possible to take care of it. I will disagree with the last part. Temperament is most important in PET lines. People who work their dogs know dogs. They have more control of the environment and are much more likely to recognize a potential bad situation before trouble starts. Pet dogs haven't got that safety net. They are expected to be great with kids and strange kids who come over to visit. To protect from bad guys but to always recognize the difference between a bad guy and the meter reader. To be friendly with every person and dog they meet, unless the owner doesn't want them to. All with little or no training.
I ment that a dog born with HD, can look and act like a normal, healthy, happy dog until something stresses those hips. Mild cases of HD might never show symptoms in a pampered pet, but in a working dog could cause lots of pain and discomfort. HD is not something the average person can detect without hip X-rays. I agree that temperment in pets is most important. What I ment was that a good breeder knows genetics, temperment, conformations, their blood lines, ect. It's not as simple as I have boy dog and girl dog, let's make puppies. A good breeder should help to place the individual puppies in the right home, rather than just letting the buyer pick for themselves. Most pet buyers would pick what they find the most cute, or visually appealing without any thought to temperment. This is where a good breeder should step in and say, "that puppy has a high drive, it will need a job" or "this puppy is mild mannered and would make a great companion for your child" the breeder is responsible for socializing the pups before selling, and during this time he/she should have seen signs of temperment in each. This is also part of the breeders job. Asking questions and giving advice. Are you an exercise buff and love running, this dog will be right there with you. Are you a couch potatoe and just want a lap dog, maybe this breed isn't right for you. And a good breeder can and will deny a puppy to a home that they feel isn't right for the dog. But working dogs are like athletes, they put their bodies under a lot of stress. For working dogs physical health is extremely important. Temperment is too, the dogs needs to be trainable and have the drive to do its job. But having a strong healthy body is a requirement for any working animal. A pet dog with a mild case of HD could lead a happy life as a pet and never show signs of the problem. But that same dog in a working environment would end up showing signs of discomfort and pain.
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I would say that, if driving less than 4 hours to make sure you get the best dog for your needs, then you need to wait until YOU are the one making the decisions.
What will they say when you need to go to a training class? Or need to drive some place to pick up equipment?

Most sport people drive farther than that just for training classes. 4-5 hours for an event is a short drive.

You say you want to do 4H with the dog. You're going to be traveling. Simple as that. We had an obedience trial this weekend. We had people who drive 8, 10, 14 hours to compete.
I would say that, if driving less than 4 hours to make sure you get the best dog for your needs, then you need to wait until YOU are the one making the decisions.
What will they say when you need to go to a training class? Or need to drive some place to pick up equipment?

Most sport people drive farther than that just for training classes. 4-5 hours for an event is a short drive.

You say you want to do 4H with the dog. You're going to be traveling. Simple as that. We had an obedience trial this weekend. We had people who drive 8, 10, 14 hours to compete.

I'm going to state with my husky, and our classes are on the fair hounds, we drive 5 hrs to go to dog shows. A 4hr drive is to long for a 8week old puppy.. State is 5hrs away and it's a two1-3 day event just for the dogs, then I might be taking rabbits and chickens. So my parents would do that every day just so shut up. I personally don't want to drive 3+ hrs with my new puppy. Anyways I know a great breeder only 30-1hr away. With pups in my price range. And I'm not talking about sled dogs, I'm talking about 4-h/herding dog.
I'm going to state with my husky, and our classes are on the fair hounds, we drive 5 hrs to go to dog shows.

Kansas State Fair? Hands down THE BEST state fair in the country, because it is still a "country" state fair that has stayed "agricultural". Love, love, love that fair, have gone every year except when we lived in Alaska. Even waddled around it in the heat for 10 hours the day before my daughter was born, trying to induce labor.
Kansas State Fair? Hands down THE BEST state fair in the country, because it is still a "country" state fair that has stayed "agricultural". Love, love, love that fair, have gone every year except when we lived in Alaska. Even waddled around it in the heat for 10 hours the day before my daughter was born, trying to induce labor.

Of the 5yrs I've been in 4-h I've quaified EVERY YEAR, and never got to go cuz I NEVER had a ride! So this will be my first, mom wants me to go but with dads bad hips/legs/back, he's been off for three days went back yesterday and he's as cranky as can be he hurts soo bad. But we all live through it, he hates it when I talk back but sometimes I get so mad I have to leave the room because I don't cus but he gets me to the point that I almost explode! I have moms gentle touch but dads bad temper. My fuse is so short I've lost 5friends in 2years cuz they told me they can't deal with my temper, not true friends then.
But I'm saving up my money to help pay for the entry fee's, Gas, maybe a hotel, food, and all the other good stuff. :) lol, I'm dieing to go. I also wish my friend would text me back so me and her can hang out. This whole summer I've been cooped up in the house. :( I'm ready to start driving. I got Waaayy of topic there lol, oops.
My dear God! I have owned huskies since 1975. Have you ever had one?!?! You need to know the breed. They are runners, they leap fences and they have mind of their own. You will not be keeping all the puppies! Can you find good homes for all those that are not fit to pull a sled? You will need to have your breeding pairs tested for hip dysplasia Once when they are 2 and have their eyes checked yearly. Can you afford all the vet visits and all the vaccinations your puppies and adult dogs will need? Do you have an acre or two for them to exercise in? You need a 6 foot fence. Do you have it or will you need to put one up? Cause if you don't they'll be gone in a nano-second! Are you aware they love to dig? They can dig under a fence in under 5 minutes! You'll have to put something around the parameter to keep them in. Why do you think they have so many huskies in rescue/ And let's not forget they shed like crazy!! That means lots of brushing. Build your team from huskies in rescue and at the local animal shelters. There are sledding clubs that you can join and who will give all the guidance you need if you are really serious about having your own team. Look at the dogs in the Iditarod. Many are mixes. Do you know all the training involved? It starts at about 6-8 weeks old and continues for their lifetime. Will your job allow you all this time? And sledding equipment is not cheap. Dear God, please think this through before you add more unwanted puppies into this world. Thanks for listening.
My dear God! I have owned huskies since 1975. Have you ever had one?!?! You need to know the breed. They are runners, they leap fences and they have mind of their own. You will not be keeping all the puppies! Can you find good homes for all those that are not fit to pull a sled? You will need to have your breeding pairs tested for hip dysplasia Once when they are 2 and have their eyes checked yearly. Can you afford all the vet visits and all the vaccinations your puppies and adult dogs will need? Do you have an acre or two for them to exercise in? You need a 6 foot fence. Do you have it or will you need to put one up? Cause if you don't they'll be gone in a nano-second! Are you aware they love to dig? They can dig under a fence in under 5 minutes! You'll have to put something around the parameter to keep them in. Why do you think they have so many huskies in rescue/ And let's not forget they shed like crazy!! That means lots of brushing. Build your team from huskies in rescue and at the local animal shelters. There are sledding clubs that you can join and who will give all the guidance you need if you are really serious about having your own team. Look at the dogs in the Iditarod. Many are mixes. Do you know all the training involved? It starts at about 6-8 weeks old and continues for their lifetime. Will your job allow you all this time? And sledding equipment is not cheap. Dear God, please think this through before you add more unwanted puppies into this world. Thanks for listening.

What?? Who u talking to? If its me yes her names nala, I trained her since she's was 8 weeks, we don't have a fence and she's gets let out freely unless she's in heat or is not wearing her collar that has her tags on it. Never had a problem, she's a Beautyful red b*tch unspayed and soon to be mom. Brother is planning on breeding her next heat. She's 2 1/2 years old. She's my 4-h dog comes from sled dog and show lines. Both parents were taken off a team and showed for 2yrs then got finished GCH. Then they breed, nala is my sled dog, she's a well natured, loving girl. I know some about the breed. We have been showing 4-h dog showd since she was 10months. She's got 1 champ in Rally-O, 2 showmanship Reserve champs, 1 white in obedience, 1red in obedience and I'm planning on doing AKC junior showmanship classes with her soon. I spend 4hrs ever weekend grooming her non stop. And she's not even the woolly. I know how stubborn they are. Like I said above I TRAINED NALA from day one. No one helped, I "co own" nala, at on point my brother just gave her to me, but he was really wanting her back. I know how nmuch this would cost.
My dear God! I have owned huskies since 1975. Have you ever had one?!?! You need to know the breed. They are runners, they leap fences and they have mind of their own. You will not be keeping all the puppies! Can you find good homes for all those that are not fit to pull a sled? You will need to have your breeding pairs tested for hip dysplasia Once when they are 2 and have their eyes checked yearly. Can you afford all the vet visits and all the vaccinations your puppies and adult dogs will need? Do you have an acre or two for them to exercise in? You need a 6 foot fence. Do you have it or will you need to put one up? Cause if you don't they'll be gone in a nano-second! Are you aware they love to dig? They can dig under a fence in under 5 minutes! You'll have to put something around the parameter to keep them in. Why do you think they have so many huskies in rescue/ And let's not forget they shed like crazy!! That means lots of brushing. Build your team from huskies in rescue and at the local animal shelters. There are sledding clubs that you can join and who will give all the guidance you need if you are really serious about having your own team. Look at the dogs in the Iditarod. Many are mixes. Do you know all the training involved? It starts at about 6-8 weeks old and continues for their lifetime. Will your job allow you all this time? And sledding equipment is not cheap. Dear God, please think this through before you add more unwanted puppies into this world. Thanks for listening.

She has some good points. Mushing is NOT CHEEP. Most good sled dogs only have a career of 5 years.
you have a few things wrong though. Training in harness doesn't start until they are full grown (or at least not typically) Usually i would not suggest getting your entire team from shelter. maybe 2 or 3 but since the OP is only planing on rec, it should work. sled dogs live outside all year so shedding isn't a huge problem they dog need a brushing in spring and early summer. If you get dogs from shelters, most are fixed so you couldn't breed which isn't a problem for rec.
this is a typical sled dog housing set so fences and stuff aren't really necessary.

Dogs escaping one of reasons i like alaskan huskies. if they get out (unlike sibs) they will come back if possible. i do have a fence surrounding the yard which is useful if one does get of the chain

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