sneezing + runny nose


6 Years
Jun 5, 2013
Yorkshire, England
Hi all
New to keeping hens so here goes...
Ive got 6 hens from a reputable breeder (Hinchliffes of Netherton, Yorkshire) and all are on Marriages with flubenvet...all are bright and lively, pecking at the grass...not totally free range yet
I only got them on Thursday last week
One ... the speckledy has a runny nose (just wet and clear discharge) and a sneeze occasionally. No cough, no rattley chest / breathing and is eating well

Could this be stress of the move / new cage / run etc mixed with new diet and the wormer or something more serious?

Someone did have really runny beige poo but havent seen this in the last day
It has been my experience that almost everytime i get new pullets the stress of moving to a new home (it lowers their immune system) makes at least one of the group sick. If its just a little clear nasal discharge and little sneeze i dont do anything, they usually recover on their own. If they have bubble forming in the corner of their eyes and a heavy wheeze plus nasal discharge i give them a shot in the breast meat of Tylan 200. Most of the time the shot kills the infection down long enough for the chicken to recover. I have seen people on here say separate them , cull them etc..but from personal experience..all other chickens have already been exposed to the problem chicken anyways.Giving Tylan 200 can be risky, its not made for chickens its for cattle, it has to be injected with the right dose in the right spot, but it works wonders when done correctly. I had tried every oral treatment possible nothing worked, as a last resort tried tylan and chickens are well in 2 days, been using it when needed for over a year now. Hope your chicken recovers soon : )
I experienced the same thing. My girls were sneezing and had runny noses. I added antibiotics to their water. It took about two weeks for the girls to get better. I threw away any eggs that were laid while they were being treated. The whole runny nose started from a baby silky and a baby Cochin my son got. The one chick passed it to the girls very quickly. All it was was a clear runny nose and sneezing. The baby silky ended up dying because it was so sick and young. The Cochin was a little older and was stronger. I ended up taking him to the vet for a shot of Bactrim to knock it out. Everyone recovered very well.

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