Snowball is still sick!

Thank you and no : (. I just really hope she doesn't have Mereks! If she does then I'm screwed. I have 16 birds, and some of them are REALLY nice! I don't want them to die!!!
The good news is that Marek's isn't necessarily a death sentence, and you can even successfully breed for resistance over time if you have a roo. That doesn't mean that they won't contract and shed the disease, but they'll be less likely to have severe complications. Just like with the vaccine.

Marek's is everywhere so unless you are extremely strict with biosecurity, like keeping chooks locked up inside a sterile environment 24/7, your flock is almost definitely going to come in contact with it at some point. It's in the soil and the air, spread by domestic and wild birds.

It's important to not let the fear of Marek's get to you. It can be a very nasty disease but it isn't always deadly. There's really nothing you can do about it so the best thing to do is educate yourself. Learn about signs to look out for, research supportive care, and then you can assess each bird individually and decide what to do with them (ie would culling be worth it?).
The good news is that Marek's isn't necessarily a death sentence, and you can even successfully breed for resistance over time if you have a roo. That doesn't mean that they won't contract and shed the disease, but they'll be less likely to have severe complications. Just like with the vaccine.

Marek's is everywhere so unless you are extremely strict with biosecurity, like keeping chooks locked up inside a sterile environment 24/7, your flock is almost definitely going to come in contact with it at some point. It's in the soil and the air, spread by domestic and wild birds.

It's important to not let the fear of Marek's get to you. It can be a very nasty disease but it isn't always deadly. There's really nothing you can do about it so the best thing to do is educate yourself. Learn about signs to look out for, research supportive care, and then you can assess each bird individually and decide what to do with them (ie would culling be worth it?).
great point here! I would never not let my girls go outside :) they are animals too! anyway I think that snowball may have to get euthanized. I will keep her for a week or so longer, but unless she shows improvement I think its best for her to leave : (
This is probably a bad time to tell you, but snowball is a free extra chick. She grew up with 10 chickens (Polish and Orpingtons). We sold 2 Polish. So 8. 2 are still alive. The others died randomly. We only saw signs in 1 and we could not treat it.
could this be marek's?
great point here! I would never not let my girls go outside :) they are animals too! anyway I think that snowball may have to get euthanized. I will keep her for a week or so longer, but unless she shows improvement I think its best for her to leave : (
You've done a great job with her. I'm so sorry she's struggling, but you're really doing so good :hugs

I'll keep my fingers crossed that she improves, but if it comes to having to euthanize her, just know that you've done a fantastic job and I'm sure she knows how much you care for her ❤️
You've done a great job with her. I'm so sorry she's struggling, but you're really doing so good :hugs

I'll keep my fingers crossed that she improves, but if it comes to having to euthanize her, just know that you've done a fantastic job and I'm sure she knows how much you care for her ❤️
Thank you :) She is my favorite. She knows how to hop onto my shoulder when I point to it and shes always the first to come when I call. Well she did. She doesn't really want to anymore :(

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