Snowball is still sick!

It could be but without a necropsy there's no way to know for sure. Chickens can drop dead from lots of different things and as prey animals they're very good at hiding that something's wrong until they just can't anymore.
Ah yes. Well they are probably in a turkey vulture now. It was 4 months ago ish.
Thank you and no : (. I just really hope she doesn't have Mereks! If she does then I'm screwed. I have 16 birds, and some of them are REALLY nice! I don't want them to die!!!
Agree! I'll keep your birds in my prayers!
great point here! I would never not let my girls go outside :) they are animals too! anyway I think that snowball may have to get euthanized. I will keep her for a week or so longer, but unless she shows improvement I think its best for her to leave : (
I'm so sorry!! Maybe she has heart issues? I had one act sick for at least 6 months and when she died, we found out she had heart issues and that caused her to have a short life.

Can you put your hand on her breast bone area and try to feel her heart beat? Chickens do have a faster heart beat them humans. If you are able to do that, does it feel like its clicking or beating very slow ? Does her breathing sound loud? Is she very skinny?

sorry for all the questions! I'm just trying to go off of what I've experienced before and try to help you!
Agree! I'll keep your birds in my prayers!
Thank you!
I'm so sorry!! Maybe she has heart issues? I had one act sick for at least 6 months and when she died, we found out she had heart issues and that caused her to have a short life.

Can you put your hand on her breast bone area and try to feel her heart beat? Chickens do have a faster heart beat them humans. If you are able to do that, does it feel like it’s clicking or beating very slow
Can’t feel it :(
? Does her breathing sound loud?
Is she very skinny?
kind of…
sorry for all the questions! I'm just trying to go off of what I've experienced before and try to help you!
You’re completely good!
I put her in the crate, gave her some vitamins, and some cat food. She still is wobbly. I also noticed that on her oil gland it’s a really yellow around there and really oily so she hasn’t been cleaning herself. I let her dust bath, but she only did it for a little bit and it wasn’t that good of a dust bath.
Agree! I'll keep your birds in my prayers!

I'm so sorry!! Maybe she has heart issues? I had one act sick for at least 6 months and when she died, we found out she had heart issues and that caused her to have a short life.

Can you put your hand on her breast bone area and try to feel her heart beat? Chickens do have a faster heart beat them humans. If you are able to do that, does it feel like its clicking or beating very slow ? Does her breathing sound loud? Is she very skinny?

sorry for all the questions! I'm just trying to go off of what I've experienced before and try to help you!
That is a thought. I've had at least a couple animals with heart failure. They lived a long time but their legs became weaker and weaker until they couldn't stand anymore.
Thank you!

Can’t feel it :(


kind of…
Hmmm.........maybe, she is having some problems inside her body........
Do you think you could make some oatmeal add Mlik, Vitamins E, B and Alpha Lipoic Acid and put it in the blender to make it like soup? Give her about 10 mls for 3 days and see if that will help. It would be very sad to loss her!
You’re completely good!
I don’t know why, but she’s still curling her and her wing mouse is low enough that sometimes it gets caught. She did eat a lot tho!
Hmmm.........maybe, she is having some problems inside her body........
Maybe : (
Do you think you could make some oatmeal add Mlik, Vitamins E, B and Alpha Lipoic Acid and put it in the blender to make it like soup? Give her about 10 mls for 3 days and see if that will help. It would be very sad to loss her!
Can I use nutridrench? I have that. I gave her some of that and vitiman b in a mash today. And cat food
I don’t know why, but she’s still curling her and her wing mouse is low enough that sometimes it gets caught. She did eat a lot tho!

Maybe : (

Can I use nutridrench? I have that. I gave her some of that and vitiman b in a mash today. And cat food
I would think nutridrench would be fine! Maybe don't give the cat food? What does it have in it? Sometimes other animals foods cause birds get sick.


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