So,19,000 members, How many Chickens do we all have? 26,143 & counting

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I'm expecting 100 power rangers, 1 dark brahma, 1 auraucna, and 6 silkies this week.
Last week of september, I get 18 buckeyes, 6 leghorns, 6 EE, 2 hamburg, 2 wyandottes, and 3 cornish crosses. Totaling, if I did the math correctly, 145 boys and girls.

Plus two ducks.
wish I could help more.

Looking for Spangled Orloff Roo and maybe some hens.
Also would like some bantam rock hens- different colors for variety
16811 + 19 = 16830

Silkies, silver spangled hamburgs, farm bred mutts, and a mix of everything else.

Yay for chickens!

Oops, someone got there first!
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We have 20 Americanas, 2 Lakenvelders, 2 White Rocks, 1 Silkie plus 24 eggs in the incubator.

In addition, the family includes 3 bronze turkeys and Cleo, an Egyptian Fayoumi who is not longer alive but will live fondly in our memory.

16830 + 25 = 16855
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1 buff orpington, 2 rhode island reds, 4 golden sebrights = 7+16855=16862

Wow!!! Kelsy274

(We miss you Butterball 4/27/08-8/28/08)
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