So,19,000 members, How many Chickens do we all have? 26,143 & counting

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CrimsonTide248 has 10. 2 Naked Necks, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Black Australorps and 4 Easter Eggers. 16862 + 10 = 16872
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I have 6 chickens - 2 cochins, 2 delawares, 2 comets.
14,179 + 6 = 14,185
Jemjoop: 7 chickens
(2 blackxlinks, 1 buff orp, 1 barred rock, 1 white rock, 1 rhode island red, 1 americana)

14,185 + 7 = 14,192
I have 3 RIRs.

14185 + 3 = 14188
Addition odd?

Went from 16 thou with Crimson tide to 14 thou with Trucker's Wife

wonder how many there really are??
Hmmm... hope I do this correctly!


plus Sashi and Big Mommy (barred rocks), Frack (silver Polish), Ethel and Agnes (buff orps) and Carmella (auracana) = 6

New total: 14,224!

Suzie in Santa Fe
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