Praying with you, and I'll have you in my thoughts tomorrow.

In News Of The Freaking Miraculous, my father came back from the oncologist with the news that there won't be any chemo this month, or next month either, because his tumor markers are going *down.* With no treatment of any kind. So any of you who prayed for us, or sent him good thoughts, or whatever, THANK YOU.
Tamoxifen is actually a hormone suppressor. My cancer is fueled by my estrogen and progesterone.
It causes all kinds of serious sides effects like stroke, clots, thrombosis, uterine and endometrial cancer, cataracts just to mention a few. It makes your body think it's in immediate menopause. Yippie! They like you to take it for 5 yrs. It ups your survival % by 3%.
Would love to talk to people who actually have had to use it to get their take on what it does to you.
Yes, there are tons of cancer fighters and survivors out there! And all you great BYC peeps!

Sorry Broody , I never took Tamoxifen.....

Side effects ..are always scary...its that not knowing which one you will have to deal with...mine will be 4 of ones that happy to over 30 % of patients. or 14 ones that happy to 10 to 30 % heck one difficulty sleeping......right i don't sleep now....poor appetite....never smoked pot....but may start it.... if Ohio likes it or not....

YOu should Burt!!.. It is said to REALLY help with appetite..
I wish my father would take the pill form of it or something.. hes still so scary thin after all his chemo and treatments..

Thinking of you, my friend.. and everyone else here too..

Praying with you, and I'll have you in my thoughts tomorrow.

In News Of The Freaking Miraculous, my father came back from the oncologist with the news that there won't be any chemo this month, or next month either, because his tumor markers are going *down.* With no treatment of any kind. So any of you who prayed for us, or sent him good thoughts, or whatever, THANK YOU.

That is AWESOME news!!!! What a blessing!!!!
How did your bone scan go ?

I'm glowing right now and have to get scanned in an hour!
Where's the glow-in-the-dark 'smiley' when ya need him!

Should know the results on Monday.
Praying with you, and I'll have you in my thoughts tomorrow.

In News Of The Freaking Miraculous, my father came back from the oncologist with the news that there won't be any chemo this month, or next month either, because his tumor markers are going *down.* With no treatment of any kind. So any of you who prayed for us, or sent him good thoughts, or whatever, THANK YOU.

How did your bone scan go ?

I'm glowing right now and have to get scanned in an hour!
Where's the glow-in-the-dark 'smiley' when ya need him!

Should know the results on Monday.


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