Thanks so much, Lunachick.

Please forgive my ignorance, Lunachick, is your hair status due to tx? For whatever reason, bald is beautiful in my eyes.

Mine is grown back now. When it started falling out in clumps one day after a couple of weeks of radiation I called my hair stylist (pre arranged) to have him come shave it off, but my oldest son, a very tough 28 year old at that time with his own family and children, was tipped off and insisted nobody but himself do it, so that's what we did although I protested for obvious reasons. So, that's what we did, just my son and me on my back porch at sunset, shaving my head while we talked about happy things past and to come. He wept while he did it despite my assurances that all would be ok. What a journey.

Yep - taxol. 2 weeks after the second treatment it came out and fast, so I had DH shave it for me. There's a pic on this thread some pages back. I'm gonna do an update pic soon, since it's gonna be on here it's gotta look decent.
I've already dyed it reddish. It's not too bad, about 2 inches now.
Thanks so much, Lunachick.

Please forgive my ignorance, Lunachick, is your hair status due to tx? For whatever reason, bald is beautiful in my eyes.

Mine is grown back now. When it started falling out in clumps one day after a couple of weeks of radiation I called my hair stylist (pre arranged) to have him come shave it off, but my oldest son, a very tough 28 year old at that time with his own family and children, was tipped off and insisted nobody but himself do it, so that's what we did although I protested for obvious reasons. So, that's what we did, just my son and me on my back porch at sunset, shaving my head while we talked about happy things past and to come. He wept while he did it despite my assurances that all would be ok. What a journey.

Yep - taxol. 2 weeks after the second treatment it came out and fast, so I had DH shave it for me. There's a pic on this thread some pages back. I'm gonna do an update pic soon, since it's gonna be on here it's gotta look decent.
I've already dyed it reddish. It's not too bad, about 2 inches now.

More than stylin' length!
Bet the color's nice, too. I'll try to see the pic. Tx turned mine from light brown to black & white salted. Didn't mind, made me look hip & edgy
. I'd always kept it highlighted so that's what I do now. I liked being bald, made it so quick to get ready, lol.
Hey ya'll! I'm here, just going through my yearly funk. S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder from about late October until late March, I slide into a bit of a depression. It's all got to do with the lack of sunlight. HONEST! I have a special lamp, but I broke the bulb before the holidays and have been sliding fast since then. All the snow and blah hasn't helped. Yeah, yeah, I know, Ms. Optomistic depressed? Yup. It's actually a family thing all of us have it to one extent or another. I'm not as bad as my brother but worse than my sisters. HURRY UP SPRING!!!

EweSheep--positive thoughts! YOU are in control. My Mom has had "lumpy boobs" for years. The first couple of times they did surgery until they decided that they were all just fibroids. Now she just has them drained instead of going through the surgery. She still does a yearly mamo, just to be safe.

Dewey---welcome to a fellow fighter! We're all in this one for the long haul. Mine is HER2++++++ Breast Cancer. We thought it was gone, but I'm one of those lucky (?) people who is stuck with this for life, or until they can figure out how to make this freaky gene stop producing cancer. You sound like a friend of mine. She has been through colon, cervical, breast and now liver cancer. She's one tough cookie which I'm sure you are too.

Lifesong---welcome to the crew. Survivors, fighters, caregivers, and cheerleaders are always welcome here. Everybody has something to share that makes the road easier to travel.

Luna---I've got less downy fuzz than a baby chick but it is finally starting to come back in. At least coming in it doesn't feel as strange as it did falling out. I swear my hair actually hurt. I couldn't wait for it to be gone. Now if I can figure out why my eyebrows have fallen out at this point in the treatment.

Wanted to share some new pics of my baby girl. She will be a year old next month.

Doing her Mountain Lion imitation waiting to pounce on anyone walking down the sidewalk


I laughed at her and she gave me the look!


She decided she wanted to eat my camera.


We have to go to the vet tomorrow to have her leg checked out. After a hard day of playing with her buddy the foxhound, she is really stiff with one knee. Spook had to have surgery on her knee when she tore her ACL playing frisbee but she was 8 years old. I have no idea what is going on with Katie
oh my, that IS the look. I get that from mine occasionally.
(The people too)
I hope it is just a little tendinitis and nothing serious.

I have not decided if I get SAD or just depression. I drop the singulair for a week or so -as long as I can- and it subsides. but, Oh, I know how it is. Feeling like you just don't want to exist, but having so much to do hiding away won't work.

Order a bulb and have UPS deliver it. You don't need to be out on YOUR roads in the ice. Be Careful and chin up. We are all in this life together!
I was beginning to wonder the same thing. I know Luna has some stuff going on, 3 goodeggs is somewhere, as is the rest of the crew.

I've got a Echo in the am. I have one every 3 months. The Herceptin that I take can cause damage to the heart muscle. So far so good!! Now if we can figure out why the nerves of my heart want to flip out from time to time. I've got Orthostatic Hypotension. How many of you have had your doctor tell you to INCREASE your salt intake??! I also have Idiopathic Autonomic Disorder. You name it, I have the alphabets for it, lol. But all is good.

Chemo after the Echo and then with Katie to the dog park!!
I am hoping quiet means all is calm.
Hope the appointments go smoothly Coyote.

I am a tad anxious as of late. I had to take my little dog to the vets yesterday... looks like renal failure. I was really expecting another five years from her. I hope the tests prove otherwise. I love my dogs. But I can not allow anyone to suffer. I hate change. It feels funny. The vet says if it is, then we can manage it for a while. So think + thoughts for us. I have had some dogs affect me more deeply than others, and she is one of them.
Love the pics of Katie! Have fun at the dog park Coyote.

3goodeggs - my sister's dog has kidney problems (I think it was genetic, he's a cocker spaniel) He's young and thought they only had a year or two with him, it's been over 4 years now and hasn't had an episode. For a while there they had to take him in to drain him, he would fill up and not be able to pee. Now it's like he has a new lease on life. I hope your dog has that kind of luck

My chickens aren't liking this snow............they've been cooped up for too long and one is molting - she looks like she got in the way of a weedwhacker. Yesterday I got home a little early and let them out and scratch around the small patch of ground available. Now we're getting more snow........they're predicting 6 - 10 inches. It does look pretty though.

Hi JJ! Hope you are well and how are your birds?
Friday went in for mammo, it had a bunch of white pin dots like a spider on that questionable lump.
Monday went in for ultrasound, there was a black hole showing on the screen which she took alot of pictures of. At least they are not white in color, that would show "cancer". And blood drawn for hormones, HPB and chloestrol check and kidney and liver check/urine sample given.

I wont hear from my doc until my next visit in two weeks. She said it would be Wednesday, today, that the doctor should get the results.

Just sick of tests, blood drawings and more scans if doc questions it further. UGH!

However, I'm positive about the whole thing, if I can get it done every year or every two years, I'm good to go. I'd rather BEAT cancer than let it get to me, making my life miserable. I want to stick around long enough for my daughter to get married and have kids....she is now six years old, will be seven in May.

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