Great news CM~!!!

Hi Ginny!! I hear you about the cat blankets! This mini respite from teh cold is so needed - too bad we're back in it over the weekend - grumble grumble!

I am very glad for that CM! I am glad the girls are becoming friends too.
I think Katie may have a bit more understanding in her than most pups, and she will be Icee's defender and confidant.
Hugs to lurchie, because I think of him through all of this as well. He has to keep it all together all the time, and that must be so terribly exhausting and lonely.

Spring is on the way.
we will fuss about the pollen and heat in no time.
Wow, I heard through my sister that my brother is doing a lot better now. (since returning "wireman") The meds he's taking for the serotonin mishap is working for him, he had a PET scan and it came back clean, so no worries there! He'll be coming up to NJ (from Fla) for the memorial for my father at the end of March. All seven of us kids and their families are getting together at my Mom's gravesite to attend some kind of "service". We haven't figured out what kind of service yet. My Mom's ashes are buried there and we're not sure if we should also bury my father's (or some of his ashes) and send the rest out to sea. He loved to sail and he & my Mom, after they retired, sailed all over the globe.

I have a brother coming from Texas with his family and a bro from San Diego with his girlfriend and dog. The rest of us reside in NJ. It should be a nice gathering. I suppose everyone will crash in their campers or will just squeeze them in here and there.

Anyone got any ideas for a cool graveside service of some kind?
I think ceremony gets in the way sometimes.
Perhaps a few words from each person there and...a trip to the coast for clams and beer.
But Again, that's what I would want people to do for me, enjoy the now and just keep living.

Glad to hear your brother is doing better.

I have bubbled myself. I feel so much better. I feel free and I have a future without that burden now.
You do very nice work Ginny.
Really glad to hear things are going better for your brother!! AWESOME on the PET scan!!!!

Why don't you wait til you are all together before making any decisions. We have not had to bury either of our parents, but we have lost a brother and a brother-in-law. For both we laughed and jokes and celebrated their lives. Yes there were tears, but they were really for us. Our greif that he was gone. There were also lots of smiles. My brother was a fireman and was taken to the cemetary on the back of a firetruck. It was planned on to be just "a family thing," but "family" in my family is FAMILY all the aunts, uncles, cousins, and even, ex's were there. It was one of those surprising beautiful early spring days. Warm enough in NJ to sit out in the sun. Musicical loungechairs keeping up with the sun. Just the kind of day my brother loved and where he liked it best with family.

Enjoy your time together
Wow! So much has happened here. I need to stop in more often. This is such a nurturing place.

Luna, the hair looks phenomenal!

You know, we used to make those wiremen when I was a kid. I'm sorry this one didn't bring good things.

CM, so glad to hear about the tumors shrinking to nearly nothing. Way to go! Also, those pups are adorable together. Yes, they look so happy! Great stuff!

Deerman, glad you are weathering the chemo without too many ugly side effects.

3goodeggs - I loved the part about the bouncy love balls. So whimsical, but so wise.
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Luna, the picture with hair is absolutely beautiful. I think often of all of you that frequent this thread and my admiration grows each time I read it. Best wishes and God's blessings to you all.

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