Thanks ...yes i hate drinking that stuff.........why the pet scan is easier test......the bone scan little loud.

I just wish i could take the pet scan every 3 only pays for 2 a year.

Cancer can grow alot in 6 months...they do blood work ....but my cancer has never showed up on them, from day one..

That's good to know. Is the bone scan like an MRI? That was loud!

sorry i got the two mixed up it was the MRI that was loud...the bone scan not bad....they just have it real near you, few inch off of you. they inject a dye just like a pet scan.....
Best wishes and prayers for you both
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My all day appt at SCCA was Friday. I saw 3 Drs and a resident. All of them had to 'turn my dials' if ya know what I mean!

They want to re-excise the area to try to get clean margins. After that, radiation and Tamoxifen. But first, a bone scan to look at the "8mm thingy" that is in my sternum. MRI showed it and it was the thing the radiologist wanted a better look at last month.
They are not hip on mastectomy, say it's too drastic. I'm not hip on Tamoxifen. Stuff sounds scary.
Anybody have any experience with Tamoxifen???
I didn't have breast cancer, so not so sure about those chemo drugs......each cancer situation is different and needs different chemo drugs. *** I know what you mean about those Drs all getting there look- see
Personally I get annoyed. Isn't that weird??

Are they recommending radiation first, then chemo?? Saying they aren't hip on mastectomy........might mean a good thing? BTW - it all sounds scary until you look into it and realize how many people have to do this
That made me feel better - knowing I wasn't alone....

Thinking of you broodytood!!
I didn't have breast cancer, so not so sure about those chemo drugs......each cancer situation is different and needs different chemo drugs. *** I know what you mean about those Drs all getting there look- see
Personally I get annoyed. Isn't that weird??

Are they recommending radiation first, then chemo?? Saying they aren't hip on mastectomy........might mean a good thing? BTW - it all sounds scary until you look into it and realize how many people have to do this
That made me feel better - knowing I wasn't alone....

Thinking of you broodytood!!

Tamoxifen is actually a hormone suppressor. My cancer is fueled by my estrogen and progesterone.
It causes all kinds of serious sides effects like stroke, clots, thrombosis, uterine and endometrial cancer, cataracts just to mention a few. It makes your body think it's in immediate menopause. Yippie! They like you to take it for 5 yrs. It ups your survival % by 3%.
Would love to talk to people who actually have had to use it to get their take on what it does to you.
Yes, there are tons of cancer fighters and survivors out there! And all you great BYC peeps!
Me too!!

well dear friends........yes got my result ......not the best ,but some good points....the area of the one tumor had grown some, two spot on the liver,

so my Doc is putting me on weekly infusion of Erbitux ,will still be taking the chemo pill also, the two are to work together.

now few good points other than the two area of cancer on the liver, and the tumor was a little larger. LUNGS and other areas i was worry about are ok. The new treatments should be easy , no hair lose, if i understand right its one of the new target drugs. I start the infusion Monday. Sound like I will be on it sometime.

I have had this port in for a year now.......guess its time to use it.

Oh one thing i learn, they gave me a dvd of my pet scan to take to the should not look at these with out knowing what you are tell the truth i couldn't keep from watching it..... it made be worry for three days....few area alway show of red,

Not real crazy about weekly infusion.....but it will keep me with my love ones that much here i go putting on my big pants

cancer your not getting me that easy......

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