Someone found what is maybe a 'bad broody' sitting on a clutch of 8 eggs...


10 Years
Jan 4, 2014
Won't bore you with the bad broody part of the story.

No incubator space to continue the incubation of these eggs. Do you think.... anyone?!...Bueller?... that these eggs can be candled today and then refrigerated for 17 days, brought to room temp and then put into the incubator? Any developmental dangers to be aware of?
Won't bore you with the bad broody part of the story.

No incubator space to continue the incubation of these eggs. Do you think.... anyone?!...Bueller?... that these eggs can be candled today and then refrigerated for 17 days, brought to room temp and then put into the incubator? Any developmental dangers to be aware of?
Stopping incubation once started will kill any developing embryos, especially for 17 days of cold

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