South Carolina

Hello South Carolinians. Figured I would introduce myself. I live near Camden SC. I am working with Delewares, New Hampshires, and Barred Rocks. I am playing with or scheming a couple projects. I hope to one day get to Dark and Light Brown Leghornes.
:DAmy, I am going to the show this weekend in Morganton. I am in Gaffney, you need me to pick something up for you?? That will finaly give me a reason to come see you!!!
I missed the registration deadline. Probably won't even get to ride up there....have not mentioned it to DH yet either.

I have too much to do this month anyways and not enough time in a day as it is

Billyj - that is a great reason to go see Amy

I have a headacheeeeeeeeeee - Cannot sleep

Hope everyone is doing well.......
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Thanks! Yes! I need 2 white bantam Cochin hens picked up from Tina. She shows Silkies and will be around that area all day. I will PayPal her the money so they only need to be picked up and will be glad to pay you for your trouble.

And then yes, do come see the place. I thought we would get together last Sat but I answered you too late, I think.
The TSC in Gaffney, has chicks already too. The first one is more of an exhibition as to what people have, he said you can swap things if you want. They are going to try to do monthly swaps after this first one. I signed up to bring a couple of minis to show off.

My son wants to see what a chicken show is like etc as he has expressed interest and he loves the birds, so we are going to go up there too.

Karen in Gaffney
Maybe we will at least get to go look around. I doubt it though.

I went by Gaffney's TSC & picked up DD 4 ducklings. She has had a rough week and I was going to get her 2. DH said get all four that were not like the others
We got the two yellow ones and two that look like Khaki Campbells. You can see pics of them on my blog/website

Honestly I like the chicks from Landrum better than what TSC far
We are going by there today to pick up chicks for a friend in Blacksburg. Can't wait to see what is in Landrum this week!
chickens rule!!!


The TSC in Greenwood has chicks too. Nothing I want or need but they are so cute to look at! This rain is messing my building schedule up. I did get all the silkies moved to their new coop & run. Really happy how it turned out and I know the silkies are very happy to be away from those big birds! My roo Frosty has found new life as the Head Rooster. He thinks he is quite the fancy man now. I was gathering up the silkies from the main area and taking them to the new coop. I *thought* I had them all but yesterday morning I was collecting eggs, and there is a black silkie in the nest box. Oops! That's when you know you have too many chickens!

My other 5 breeding pens are about half done but DH is off on a trip tomorrow for the week so they'll have to wait until next weekend probably. I can't wait to move my Marans and Ameraucanas into their own pen and start collecting eggs to hatch!

Have fun at the show if you're going!

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