South Carolina

Thanks! DH stopped working but I didn't.
Might not have been able to get anything else done on the little coop today but there were definately plenty of weeds in my flower beds to be pulled! It's way too pretty of a day for me to have spent it all inside
Thanks! DH stopped working but I didn't.
Might not have been able to get anything else done on the little coop today but there were definately plenty of weeds in my flower beds to be pulled! It's way too pretty of a day for me to have spent it all inside

AMEN today was a good day!!! My Chickens loved it and I did too....I wish I could bottle this feeling up!
May I ask how long it is, and how many can u put in it?

It's 8 ft long and 4 ft wide. It probably wouldn't hold more than a couple grown chickens, but I'm planning on using it for my babies to grow up in once they have feathered out a little more. I only have 3 right now, but have 31 eggs in the I guess I'll find out how many it'll hold before too long. We already have one "normal" coop, but we have plans to build another one near the existing one with runs joining the 2. I think I've gone a little chicken crazy....
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May I ask how long it is, and how many can u put in it?

It's 8 ft long and 4 ft wide. It probably wouldn't hold more than a couple grown chickens, but I'm planning on using it for my babies to grow up in once they have feathered out a little more. I only have 3 right now, but have 31 eggs in the I guess I'll find out how many it'll hold before too long. We already have one "normal" coop, but we have plans to build another one near the existing one with runs joining the 2. I think I've gone a little chicken crazy....

Yes, my incubator is full and I'll soon need a growout pen too
Okay guys, I need your help/advice. I just completed my largest hatch so far 21. BUT that is only 21 of 40. WHAT IS THE DEAL?!? I'm thinking the others didn't finish hatching because as the chicks hatched they were kicking the unhatched eggs around as they were moving about the bator....either that or i shouldn't have opened the bator to take them out (preventing them from kicking unhatched eggs).

What do yall think?
Good thing is, I didn't pay for these eggs, they were all mine but still. I have 2 or 3 orders to fill, and this hampers me filling it as soon as i wanted, thank goodness i've got another bator with eggs hatching Friday.
I'd be happy for those numbers right now! I wouldn't think that the chicks kicking the eggs would hurt them. I've had chicks flailing all over eggs and they hatch. There's so many things that can go wrong during a hatch. Any little fluctuation in temperature or humidity can be a problem. Did they start to hatch? I had a batch hatch over the weekend and a few zipped a lot and then just didn't do anything. I just assumed they weren't strong enough. Nothing was happening with the temp or humidity. My last two hatches have stunk. Getting maybe 10% hatching. Of course those are shipped eggs. Did you candle? Were they looking good? You're not supposed to open the bator during hatch but mine recover in a second so I do sometimes. Maybe that was it.

I woke up to a huge crash on Saturday night. The top had somehow fallen off my incubator and landed on the tile floor. There were broken eggs everywhere.
And the bator broke. What a mess. And it was the silkie eggs I had been trying to get for forever. Just stinks. Some of them didn't fall out but I think I fell back asleep after the crash and only woke up when I heard the bator alarm. Some of the egg seemed hard already so I don't know how long they sat there with no heat.

I also spent the last 36 hours trying to save a little lav ameraucana chick. But it died this morning.

The good news is that I had a good hatch from my Ameraucanas from Jean Ribbeck. Ended up with 5 Wheaten, 2 splash and a blue!
Ha! I have a 6-yr old daughter too. She just named her little Araucana, Ariel. My son named his Roadrunner and refuses to call the other one Ariel because it's a princess name and he doesn't think that's appropriate for a chicken. Whatever!
I'd be happy for those numbers right now! I wouldn't think that the chicks kicking the eggs would hurt them. I've had chicks flailing all over eggs and they hatch. There's so many things that can go wrong during a hatch. Any little fluctuation in temperature or humidity can be a problem. Did they start to hatch? I had a batch hatch over the weekend and a few zipped a lot and then just didn't do anything. I just assumed they weren't strong enough. Nothing was happening with the temp or humidity. My last two hatches have stunk. Getting maybe 10% hatching. Of course those are shipped eggs. Did you candle? Were they looking good? You're not supposed to open the bator during hatch but mine recover in a second so I do sometimes. Maybe that was it.

I woke up to a huge crash on Saturday night. The top had somehow fallen off my incubator and landed on the tile floor. There were broken eggs everywhere.
And the bator broke. What a mess. And it was the silkie eggs I had been trying to get for forever. Just stinks. Some of them didn't fall out but I think I fell back asleep after the crash and only woke up when I heard the bator alarm. Some of the egg seemed hard already so I don't know how long they sat there with no heat.

I also spent the last 36 hours trying to save a little lav ameraucana chick. But it died this morning.

The good news is that I had a good hatch from my Ameraucanas from Jean Ribbeck. Ended up with 5 Wheaten, 2 splash and a blue!

The Wife said 4 of them started to hatch but never made it out of the egg. My temp and humid. stayed constant the whole incubation. the only time it dipped just a tad was when i opened to get the babies out. but then it came right back up almost immediately. I did candle. From what I could see they were doing fine. Next hatch i won't open it after day 18 until they all hatch or day 23 gets here. Hows that sound???

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