South Carolina

OMG X 2!!!

I've been following the thread on worm farming, and have decided to give it a try...I have the three-drawer bin already, but do have to decide on where to get my worms...although, I think 5000 is a little much for little ole' me and my chickens!
Any suggestions as to a supplier of mealworms?

are you the folks that has emu chicks and eggs for sale, and if you are, there are some folks on craig list under charleston that is looking for some, the add is under farm and garden. i just thought you may be interested thanks

Gracious emus for us. HA! We BARELY are making it through our first season of chickens. Maybe one day, but don't tell my husband. I do know someone that has emus, and I found the ad, and forwarded it to him.
You;ll have to tell me how that goes.. Ive often thought of it , to do as a project with Colton for homeschool science..

oh I lost my lttle bitty EE girl last night.. maybe in a week or soo after NO ONE else gets sick or the weather evens out.. I would like to replace the girls.. hopefully you will have girls available..

bb )O(
Geez, Is anyone else getting sick of this crazy weather? I thought I had a tornado in the back yard at 2am this morning! Fortunately, all my chickies made it through okay...but man do I have tree debris to clean-up this evening when I get home from work. It sure would be nice to see the weather settle down before we enter Hurricane season in about a month! Those chickens of mine must have been freaked out over all the commotion last night...this was their first real experience to the elements of lightning, thunder, and 50-60 mph wind gusts. That coop must have rocked some with all that wind...
I've been raising therm for years for my sons lizard. Poor lizard recently passed away and I was going to stop with the worms. Maybe I'll do it for the chickens. But my worm farm is small scale, shoe box size. It does make for a good homeschool project. Of course I could probably just buy worms from Nadine cause I think she's gonna have plenty!
You know some of us just gotta go "overboard!" Besides I must have feed a thousand to my chickens already. It sounds like a lot more than it appears once you receive them (at least that's how I felt). I bought 2200 large and 2200 small off eBay. I bought from Tasty Worms out of Florida and Mealworms2go. Both sell 2200 for $23.99 with shipping included. Tasty Worms sent them incredibly fast. Especially when you consider that I bought from them 2-days after I bought from Mealworms2Go and Tasty worms mealies were delivered a day before the other.
That is sad, I've experienced it quite a bit this year too. So sorry. FYI, I always run the styrofoam incubators higher than they say too. I keep mine between 100 and 101 degrees. Seems to work better for me.

My styro is always at 100.5 it is a still air.
i am wondering if I need to bump the big one up some. It is 99-100 most of the time

My styrofoams are at 99 degrees too. I probably need to raise it. I'm not happy with those things. I'm trying to talk my husband into a Dickey. I've lost a few chicks this spring when I've moved them out to the coop. I don't have the heat on anymore but there's lot of them to snuggle up with. All the dead ones I've found have been out in the run though. I moved a bunch of 3-wk olds yesterday to a tractor. Hope they're okay! They sure were happy to be outside and not in my bathroom!
You know some of us just gotta go "overboard!" Besides I must have feed a thousand to my chickens already. It sounds like a lot more than it appears once you receive them (at least that's how I felt). I bought 2200 large and 2200 small off eBay. I bought from Tasty Worms out of Florida and Mealworms2go. Both sell 2200 for $23.99 with shipping included. Tasty Worms sent them incredibly fast. Especially when you consider that I bought from them 2-days after I bought from Mealworms2Go and Tasty worms mealies were delivered a day before the other.

Guess I'm the only one not interested in worms! Not yet anyway. The weather missed us last night. I would have liked some rain. Dang, it was hot yesterday! No breeze, hot and humid.
I really don't like summer. Come back, Spring!
I tried Worm Man but could not find a check out button on his order page. I emailed them and have never gotten a response so I went with Speedy Worm. You don't have to buy 5000 but for some reason I always plan BIG. And crazy me has a lot of chicks that would gobble all these up in a heartbeat but I need to breed them all first so in a few months I hope to have my endless supply.

I ordered on Monday and they shipped out then so I got them this morning. Not a dead one in the bunch and they are all over the potatoes and apple I put in there and just now I added some cucumber left over from DH's salad.

My chickies are going to love me!

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