South Carolina

Let's say I'm afraid to butcher my chickens. I heard a rumor that some farms offer that service...
Have you guys ever heard of that?
I butchered my first chickens last fall with the help of the owner of my local feed store; he took pity on me and offered to show me how it's done, and together we "processed" 6 roosters. While I'm now experienced, there are days when I think I may ask him to demonstrate it again.

Check with the feed store guys or Tractor Supply people. They will know someone who will help you out. I'm sure.
I'm in need of a Buff Orpington rooster. Does anyone know of anyplace in SC or western NC that I might get one (or two)?
Thanks, jonsccm, but I would rather have the real deal
. I'd like to breed Buffs and a gender-confused hen won't help me achieve that goal.
Will this rain ever quit? I need to get some seeds in the ground and dashing out between rainstorms isn't working (that, and the tiller has decided to quit working

I've got a bunch of Roma tomato seeds sprouting under the lights, and may even be seeing the hot peppers peeking out, too.
Hi Enola, I'm Ronnie...Aussies are awesome. I am currently looking for one as well. There are a couple of Aussie rescue sites you may want to visit but your not likely to find a puppy there. Usually they have adult dogs that are rescued from pounds or neglectful or abusive situations. Some are even "turned in" from their owners - Aussies are not for everyone - but they should be. Any way here are the sites I've been working with.
New Spirit 4 Aussie Rescue
Carolina Hearts Aussie Rescue.

Also Pet will link you to other locations that have Aussies.

I'm new to the wold of chickens, just got my first two last weekend.. Two Bantams and I want more. I love 'em.. My girlfriend, who was border line vegan say's, now, I know I can't eat any more chicken..... Personally, I still find them tasty...

Best of luck,

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