Speckled Sussex or Welsummer?

Newchick mom

In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2023
We have 5 Barred Plymouth Rocks and “the brown one”. I can’t tell if she is Speckled Sussex or Welsummer? Any ideas - confirmation? I bought them from farm store but the box labeled her as a premium pullet (the BPR listed as pullets- not premium).


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Ugh! My other choices - thoughts - Light Brown Leghorn, gallina pineira (but I think their legs are yellow), Welsummer Bantam????

Better pic of legs.


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With the really defined and outlined 'head dart' it feels like we can rule out Bielefelder. Hatchery grade Speckled Sussex or Welsummer with the wrong colored legs seem like the logical take.

But... with with the greenish legs could it be a single combed Easter Egger?

Recently it seems like anything goes with EEs so the wild type chick with willow legs but single combed isn't a stretch. This is one where we're relying on you @Newchick mom to share a picture in 4-6 weeks so we can see this shakes out!!
With the really defined and outlined 'head dart' it feels like we can rule out Bielefelder. Hatchery grade Speckled Sussex or Welsummer with the wrong colored legs seem like the logical take.

But... with with the greenish legs could it be a single combed Easter Egger?

Recently it seems like anything goes with EEs so the wild type chick with willow legs but single combed isn't a stretch. This is one where we're relying on you @Newchick mom to share a picture in 4-6 weeks so we can see this shakes out!!
This is a great post.

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