Speckled Sussex

I hatched out a beautiful SS from eggs I got from bargain.

I recently sold her to Laree here in Phoenix.

She was so gentle and was a great layer.
Do you have any baby pics of SS's
I got a SS from TSC a few weeks ago. She's 4 weeks old today and so very pretty. I've taken pics but not yet downloaded them from the camera. I'll try to remember to do that tonight....
We have three that are about one year old now. They were raised as chicks along with 8 Buff Orps. There are certainly differences between the breeds. The SS seem infinitely more curious and aware of what is going on around them. If the garage refrigerator is opened (that's where the treats are kept) while the flock is free-ranging, you can be sure the first to show up will the the speckleds. They are friendly, but not so much as the Buffs. They don't mind being handled but they are not thrilled about it. The are certainly more independent. We have had a bit more trouble with loose "stools" with them but, it does not seem to have impacted their health. Their eggs are not quite as big as the buffs but, they are good layers. They have not gone broody once where the buffs take turns. These are just my observations of the past year. Nothing scientific about it. They are beautiful and friendly enough for us. We named one Lewis and the another Clark because they sure love to explore ! I can't say one bad thing about them.
This pic doesn't do them justice...but they are SUCH pretty babies! They look like little chipmunks with the stripes down their backs and their eyes look like they have mascara on! So Pretty! Oh yeah...and their cute little yellow bellies! You can't resist them!

I hatched a batch of them from Gina Rinks (ginasmarans). Kept one pullet and sold the boys and the other pullet. My Nelda is a good girl, a short, round, tubby, stubby-legged eating machine. She runs around whining in her Olive Oyl voice like she's worried, but unless someone else starts a fight, she minds her own business. Her eggs are very small and cream colored, matte finish, even though she hatched from a large one. She is now about three years old and just a beautiful, sweet girl.
SS have very good chickenalities IMO We started with 2 ss chicks-male & female and both were calm & friendly. "Julliets" eggs are on the medium size but she lays regularly.

Here is our roo Romeo in his younger days-

click to enlarge
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We raised these from chicks hatched in October. They are now coming up on 6 months old.

Here are some 3 week old babies:

Here they are at 6 weeks old:

Here's the cockerel at 5 months old:

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