

I really like the girl on the right. A touch too much head poof, but other than that she is perfect. Great feet, nose, comb, body shape and color.
I like all of them!
Thanks! And since you liked that one... Here is another photo, :D

I really like this girl too. My kids love her color best, I like the cream with white spots better.... But this girl with the dark spots has the best personality. She is very outgoing, curious and friendly.

I see so much color variation in the birds, is that acceptable? I have to take some pictures when my coop is not so muddy, but I have 3, 1 is 15 weeks and the other 2 are about 6 weeks old. Really hoping for a trio.. How old can I sex them typically?
I see so much color variation in the birds, is that acceptable? I have to take some pictures when my coop is not so muddy, but I have 3, 1 is 15 weeks and the other 2 are about 6 weeks old. Really hoping for a trio.. How old can I sex them typically?

Do you mean color variation in my birds or in yours?

Mine are a few totally different colors.

However, within one color, you do want to aim for a standard and not have much variation.

As to sexing...sheesh...I am terrible with my Spitz. :idunno
Here are my 2 pullets

Spitzy has a nice crest shape but is a bit dark.

This is Poofy. I like her bigger size, lighter color & white crest. But, I don't like the wild & big size of the crest.
I think this is the one that will be sold.
I see so much color variation in the birds, is that acceptable? I have to take some pictures when my coop is not so muddy, but I have 3, 1 is 15 weeks and the other 2 are about 6 weeks old. Really hoping for a trio.. How old can I sex them typically?

Do you mean color variation in my birds or in yours?

Mine are a few totally different colors.

However, within one color, you do want to aim for a standard and not have much variation.

As to sexing...sheesh...I am terrible with my Spitz. :idunno

Overall colors seem to vary... Mine also... Will attach pics of my 10 week and 5 weeks babies. No sign of combs yet
I see so much color variation in the birds, is that acceptable? I have to take some pictures when my coop is not so muddy, but I have 3, 1 is 15 weeks and the other 2 are about 6 weeks old. Really hoping for a trio.. How old can I sex them typically?

Do you mean color variation in my birds or in yours?

Mine are a few totally different colors.

However, within one color, you do want to aim for a standard and not have much variation.

As to sexing...sheesh...I am terrible with my Spitz. :idunno

Overall colors seem to vary... Mine also... Will attach pics of my 10 week and 5 weeks babies. No sign of combs yet
If above pic is 10 wk old, then she looks like a female to me.

I could not begin to guess the gender of my Spitzhaubens until 5-6 weeks & was not able to confirm it until around 10 weeks.

At 5.5wks my males had tiny red wattles like this one below. The bigger problem was the weather / heat that made everyone's wattles look slightly red.

The pics below are at 10 weeks (male then female for you to compare)


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