

Nice to see the pictures, because I truly can't remember from one minute to the next.

I was staring closely at my spitz chicks, trying to remember when their crests pop up..... not up yet, but they aren't yet a week old.
I have one that is still crestless so I'm hoping it is just a late bloomer. They are 3.5 weeks
Interesting - pictures - boy I hope you figure it out !!! Would help in selling chicks early and saving on the feed costs !!!
Alaskan, did your crestless ones ever develops a crest? I'm starting to cull and there is no sense in keeping a crestless cockerel in my flock when I already have too many boys. TIA[/@]


Whatever they had at two months of age, definitely by three months is what they kept.

And I kept a couple of the crestless and almost crestless for over a year.

Nope.... no hope. Sorry.

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