Splayed Leg?


Jul 2, 2024
This baby quail is 15 days old. I noticed something wrong with it at day 10 I don’t think its splayed leg because its going forward? Not sure how to treat it. Please help!


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Thank you! Ive been hesitant to try that because I dont want to make it worse if its not it or mess up his other leg?? Anyway thank you!
I get it. I was kind of wondering myself exactly what direction are those legs going and thought binding would at least get them to where they are supposed to be.

For a possible hip issue, I used a clear toothpick holder container to stick a runt silkie in, butt first. A dixie cup was too big, and it was the only thing I could find that would keep the chick rather tight in there. I then put it back in the incubator, standing up. It fell asleep. I was concerned about it so checked on it every hour, until I went to bed that night. It never cried. When I tapped on the incubator, it woke up and fell right back to sleep. The next morning, I took it out to see and it started walking almost normal. I left it in the incubator, where it slept several more hours. I put it with it's siblings so it would get some food/water. It made it just fine and you can't tell anything was ever wrong.

For a quail, I can't think of anything you could use to try this, but described what I did so maybe you can find something small like I did.

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