Free Ranging
12 months of spring - summer here is hot! But spring is perfect.1. Have 12 months of spring or 12 months of summer?
Right into spring, thank you very much.2. Have one more big snowfall or go right into
Spring cleaning3. Start gardening or start spring
Neither4. Wear a bunny or frog costume out in public?
That’s a hard one. I’ve played with both, but I think I’d have to go with the lamb.5. Play with a baby lamb or a duckling?
Halloween in the spring, if I was to celebrate it at all.6. Celebrate Easter in the fall or Halloween in the spring?
A vegetable garden7. Plant a flower garden or a vegetable garden?
Rain!8. It rains or snows every day of the year?
Camping. I think.9. Have a picnic in the park or go camping?
N/A10. Have grass for hair or sunflower seeds for nails?
I’d rather sing all the time.11. Always sing when you speak or chirp like a bird after every sentence?
Ain’t no such thing as a real chocolate cricket…or is there? I think I’d eat my least favorite food - turnip.12. Eat a real chocolate cricket or your least favorite food?
A rainbow13. See a rainbow or a shooting star?
Bumblebee14. Be a butterfly or a bumblebee?
Jelly beans15. Eat jellybeans or chocolate eggs?