Still can’t determine what’s wrong with lethargic 4yo hen

Thank you for the update about Clementine.

It's nice to hear she's still hanging in there.
I've found that as they decline they do find a nesting box or comfy corner to sleep in so I just make sure they have extra bedding to snuggle down into.

The labored breathing may be from a little fluid in the abdomen and/or organs starting to fail, this can go on for a good while sometimes. So if she's still eating/drinking and interacting with her flock and her flock is not picking at her, just monitor.
Yes, she still fights for her share of treats and is eating and drinking although this morning, she didn’t come out of the coop and looked like she was tipping over. She’s all puffed up and lost weight though her belly is swollen. I will be sure to provide her with more bedding and yes, her flock mates have been very respectful of her.
Clementine died yesterday overnight. She had not been coming out of the coop in the morning with the others and on Monday morning, I caught her crawling on the ground. She was unable to walk. I put her in a crate in the run so the other chickens wouldn’t bother her. I gave her food and water but she had no interest and slept for 2 days straight. I knew Tuesday night she wouldn’t make it through the night because she was lying on her side with her wing spread out awkwardly. Just sharing for others whose chicken might be suffering from Salpingitis. She’s buried in a little chicken cemetery in my yard and no longer in pain.
Clementine died yesterday overnight. She had not been coming out of the coop in the morning with the others and on Monday morning, I caught her crawling on the ground. She was unable to walk. I put her in a crate in the run so the other chickens wouldn’t bother her. I gave her food and water but she had no interest and slept for 2 days straight. I knew Tuesday night she wouldn’t make it through the night because she was lying on her side with her wing spread out awkwardly. Just sharing for others whose chicken might be suffering from Salpingitis. She’s buried in a little chicken cemetery in my yard and no longer in pain.
:hugs I'm sorry to hear about Clementine.

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