Stop me if this is too chicken crazy

No, chickens can't get heartworms.

When free ranging, chickens will eat any bug they think looks tasty. Some bugs have natural defenses (bad smell and/or taste, bright colors to signify they taste bad/are poisonous, etc) so predators leave them alone. In a free range setting chickens pick and choose what to eat. If you catch bugs and give them to the chickens, and the chickens trust that whatever you give them is edible, they might eat something toxic (or they might turn their nose up at it).

Honestly my biggest concern when it comes to chickens eating bugs isn't parasites but pesticides, weed killer, and other poisons that might be on them. Do you use any of those? Do your neighbors? If that's the case then I wouldn't go out of my way to feed wild bugs to the chooks.

Infestation really isn't something you have to worry about normally. Not outside, in any case, because that's where the bugs belong. Don't go out of your way to try to eliminate them— bugs are an incredibly important part of any ecosystem. You don't have to like creepy crawlies but you should recognize their importance and let them be out in their natural environment. Bugs keep things working at ground level, birds, mice, frogs, bats etc eat the bugs, bigger predators eat the smaller ones, so the cycle goes ☺️
The whole reason I thought about this is because I noticed a wasp buzzing around in their run, since I'm allergic it's the last thing I need around my chickens.

Since it was it the run I obviously didn't want to use chemicals to kill them so I'm looking at alternatives to lure them elsewhere. Then I started wondering if I could use the pests to my advantage and feed them to the chicks. If not I'll just get traps and discard them.
The whole reason I thought about this is because I noticed a wasp buzzing around in their run, since I'm allergic it's the last thing I need around my chickens.

Since it was it the run I obviously didn't want to use chemicals to kill them so I'm looking at alternatives to lure them elsewhere. Then I started wondering if I could use the pests to my advantage and feed them to the chicks. If not I'll just get traps and discard them.
Allergies definitely complicate things. Wasps are actually a lot more docile than most people believe, but I understand not being able to take that chance. You need to keep yourself safe!

For wasps, there are lots of different types that make different kinds of nests. We normally see paper nests but some nest underground or in logs etc. If you do see a paper nest in the early stages of being built, just go ahead and destroy it when the wasp isn't around (just knock it down). They go out and forage wood to chew into a pulp to make their nests so they aren't there all the time. Once they realize it's not a good spot for a nest (because it keeps being destroyed) they'll move on to a safer spot.
Allergies definitely complicate things. Wasps are actually a lot more docile than most people believe, but I understand not being able to take that chance. You need to keep yourself safe!

For wasps, there are lots of different types that make different kinds of nests. We normally see paper nests but some nest underground or in logs etc. If you do see a paper nest in the early stages of being built, just go ahead and destroy it when the wasp isn't around (just knock it down). They go out and forage wood to chew into a pulp to make their nests so they aren't there all the time. Once they realize it's not a good spot for a nest (because it keeps being destroyed) they'll move on to a safer spot.
These were the red and black paper wasp. They must smell my fear then because I've had them chase me back in the house.
They must smell my fear then because I've had them chase me back in the house.
Likely just checking you out. Their vision isn't the best (shapes, light and dark, and color), so if you were wearing a bright color like red or yellow, or wearing lotion or perfume, it probably mistook you for a snack! 😂

We are just part of the landscape to bugs. When a wasp decides to check me out I just let it happen. After no more than a minute usually they realize I'm not what they're looking for and fly off. But you can't take that chance, I know. Best thing is just to stay calm. You can gently wave them away so they get the idea that you're not a plant or whatever it is they think you might be, if they're really persistent. Swatting and jerky movements like that are more likely to set off their alarm bells. But they're honestly pretty passive when they're away from the nest. At the nest (with a queen and/or eggs/larvae) is when most stings happen because they're hard wired to protect it with their lives.
Something to keep in mind with mosquitoes is while chickens can't get heartworms, mosquitoes do spread fowl pox which while it usually manifests in the dry form which is ugly but not serious, it can occasionally manifest as the wet form which is usually deadly, lost 2 birds to wet fowl pox in 2023. Good thing is that once they get fowl pox they can't get it again
Something to keep in mind with mosquitoes is while chickens can't get heartworms, mosquitoes do spread fowl pox which while it usually manifests in the dry form which is ugly but not serious, it can occasionally manifest as the wet form which is usually deadly, lost 2 birds to wet fowl pox in 2023. Good thing is that once they get fowl pox they can't get it again
I totally forgot about this! Good point!
Likely just checking you out. Their vision isn't the best (shapes, light and dark, and color), so if you were wearing a bright color like red or yellow, or wearing lotion or perfume, it probably mistook you for a snack! 😂

We are just part of the landscape to bugs. When a wasp decides to check me out I just let it happen. After no more than a minute usually they realize I'm not what they're looking for and fly off. But you can't take that chance, I know. Best thing is just to stay calm. You can gently wave them away so they get the idea that you're not a plant or whatever it is they think you might be, if they're really persistent. Swatting and jerky movements like that are more likely to set off their alarm bells. But they're honestly pretty passive when they're away from the nest. At the nest (with a queen and/or eggs/larvae) is when most stings happen because they're hard wired to protect it with their lives.
There really is no thought involved when I'm confronted by a wasp. I scream and wave my arms in a panic and run like the devil (with wings) is chasing me. Picture that for a moment, lol.

Then they buzz around my glass door trying to get in. That's when I decide the yardwork can wait another day, lol.
Something to keep in mind with mosquitoes is while chickens can't get heartworms, mosquitoes do spread fowl pox which while it usually manifests in the dry form which is ugly but not serious, it can occasionally manifest as the wet form which is usually deadly, lost 2 birds to wet fowl pox in 2023. Good thing is that once they get fowl pox they can't get it again
I know this isn't meant to be funny, but if we get chicken pox, why don't they get people pox . . .hmmm?

On a serious note is there something I can put in their coop/run to deter the mosquitoes?
There really is no thought involved when I'm confronted by a wasp. I scream and wave my arms in a panic and run like the devil (with wings) is chasing me. Picture that for a moment, lol.

Then they buzz around my glass door trying to get in. That's when I decide the yardwork can wait another day, lol.
Oh trust me, I used to be the same way 🤣 When I was a kid and I'd visit my grandma, there were flowering bushes all around the front porch and walkway. I wouldn't step foot outside if I saw a wasp and I would climb over the railing to get back onto the porch rather than brave the walkway if they were flying around when I was already out. My cousin would just calmly walk by them and I was always like, "HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!"

Now I love wasps and she freaks out if one flies around her 🤣

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