Strange yellow urate and undigested feed


Dec 29, 2023
Bingo is 1 yr.
First got sick in March. Coccidia, cappilaria, blackhead, lash egg.
Vet gave us Albon. It didn't really nail the issue.
I moved onto a round of Baytril, no more lash egg since.
We got high # of coccidia again in sample, tiamulin took that out (takes out blackhead too apparently).
She is given 300mg of milk thistle daily. Was doing pretty good.
But now this. Thinking infection as our latest fecal float didn't have high level parasites. We did have coccidia and treated that.
She's eating, pecking, acting normal, but subtle signs are there. She will have yellow urates, sit a little more, then if I don't take action it progresses and I need to hand feed her to get her through a round of antibiotics and start feeling better.
Thinking intestinal or reproductive infection. What's the best way to treat that? I feel like it just keeps coming back.


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Is she the same hen with suspected Salpingitis as well?
If so, then Salpingitis is a chronic condition, so it never really cured, you can treat symptoms and hens can improve and feel better for a period of time.

Yellow urates can often be associated with Liver disease like Fatty Liver Syndrome.

I think supportive care may be the best you can do. See that she is eating/drinking and address acute symptoms as they arise.

Tiamulin (Denagard) was used to treat Coccidiosis?
Blackhead is mainly seen in Turkeys, but can affect other fowl/poultry, interesting that Tiamulin would treat that since it's designed to treat Mycoplasma only in poultry.
Ok I figured the infection was chronic. Was hoping she'd not become infected again. I don't worry if she lays eggs. Just wanted to see her happy living her best. Since she doesn't lay eggs we can use whatever can help.

Yeah we didn't have her liver checked with the vet, but vet suspects liver issues due to illness. After months it's likely another permanent situation.

Yes our vet did fecal cytology and float and she had flagellates and coccidia. We did a round of tiamulin and her next float was clear. She has had recurring coccidia issues. I think that paved the way to damaging her digestive tract and infecting her reproductive system. It's been challenging to catch her symptoms bc she acts pretty normal. I'm surprised we've made it over 4 months post reproductive infection.

Any ideas on the undigested grains? Yellow is her first sign she's getting sick.
Ok I figured the infection was chronic. Was hoping she'd not become infected again. I don't worry if she lays eggs. Just wanted to see her happy living her best. Since she doesn't lay eggs we can use whatever can help.

Yeah we didn't have her liver checked with the vet, but vet suspects liver issues due to illness. After months it's likely another permanent situation.

Yes our vet did fecal cytology and float and she had flagellates and coccidia. We did a round of tiamulin and her next float was clear. She has had recurring coccidia issues. I think that paved the way to damaging her digestive tract and infecting her reproductive system. It's been challenging to catch her symptoms bc she acts pretty normal. I'm surprised we've made it over 4 months post reproductive infection.

Any ideas on the undigested grains? Yellow is her first sign she's getting sick.
Glad you are catching symptoms early.

As for the undigested grains, make grit (crushed granite) available free choice. Sometimes grains will make it out "whole", but if she's struggling with all these other issues, her digestive system may not be functioning quite like it should.

Have you given probiotics and/or vitamins after the course of antibiotics? If not, then I'd consider at least giving probiotics once daily for a week and direct oral dosing her with poultry vitamins every couple of days for a week or so.

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