Strangely shaped soft-shelled egg? Nutrient deficiency?

The calcium should regulate her system. I have one that lays oddly shaped eggs and after I get her calcium levels up they are always oblong. She might be overweight. Or may just have a glitch in her shell gland. As long as I stay on top of the calcium she is fine.
I don’t believe she is overweight. How long does it take to get your bird’s calcium level back up? We’ve been supplementing calcium and vitamin D in one way or another for a couple of weeks now. It seems like she should be better if that was the issue, but her eggs seem to be getting weirder and stay thin.
I don’t believe she is overweight. How long does it take to get your bird’s calcium level back up? We’ve been supplementing calcium and vitamin D in one way or another for a couple of weeks now. It seems like she should be better if that was the issue, but her eggs seem to be getting weirder and stay thin.
Are you always putting it directly in her beak? I do it every day for at least a week maybe 2 until the shells are good. 1 human sized pill. Calcium citrate is best because it is more easily absorbed.

If you are going that and it is not getting better than she may have a shell gland problem that is not fixable.
Are you always putting it directly in her beak? I do it every day for at least a week maybe 2 until the shells are good. 1 human sized pill. Calcium citrate is best because it is more easily absorbed.

If you are going that and it is not getting better than she may have a shell gland problem that is not fixable.
No, I haven’t been using pills daily, and I don’t pop them in her beak, but crush them and mix into eggs for her. I use a calcium supplement in her water which has I guess I should try to force her beak open and get her to swallow a whole pill. My pills say “Calcium (as oyster shell)” 500mg.

Edit: I forgot to say thank you! I really appreciate the advice :)
I put the bird under my arm. Use my left thumbnail to open the beak and pop it in with my right hand. I put it back as far as I can and don't let go until it's swallowed. Many people gently pull down on the hens wattles to get them to open their beak.

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