Suddenly aggressive goose

Percheron chick

Free Ranging
11 Years
Apr 12, 2013
Hudson, Colorado
I have 3 sebastopol geese. A 1 1/2 year old gander and 9 momth old goose and gander (vent sexed by vet). They have been a happy little family up until today. The goose has repeatedly cornered the older gander and bit,pulled out feathers and tortured him unmercifully. Normal? Am I dealing with a problem child or even a 3rd gander? She's in time out for now.
That's strange. It could be that since the days are going to be getting longer and she is getting older she feels the need to establish herself. Stress from a small space or not enough food or watering stations can also cause aggression. Other then that, it may just be that she likes one gander better then the other.
You know the old saying 2's company 3's a crowd. Sometimes geese will pair up and the 3rd one pays for it. You might want to wait till breeding season gets under way before making final judgement on whether this one is male or female once egg laying begins you can then decide if you want to find a mate for your left out gander. Or rehome him. But once a gander and goose pair up it's for life and the extra gander most likely will not be welcome.

You might post some pics we have a few on here who can sex by looking at them. And behavior sometimes along with how they look can tell the tale.
The 2 younger ones definitely are paired up. I have been looking for a goose for him but finding a single Sebastopol is not an easy task. I separated him for 2 days and they both sat outside his pen all day. Been no fighting since so just going to let things be for now. I know eggs will change the dynamics. Always something.
I have six sebastapol females and two males all together and the oldest male has just started getting aggressive and running at me when out in the field it's because sebastapol geese are early layers from Feb and breed earlier than some geese so guess it's his protective side coming out!
I have six sebastapol females and two males all together and the oldest male has just started getting aggressive and running at me when out in the field it's because sebastapol geese are early layers from Feb and breed earlier than some geese so guess it's his protective side coming out!
I can tell my Embden gander 's personality is changing he is getting more hissy and protective of his mate.

They haven't started mating yet last year it was in Feb so hopefully it will be then again this year.

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