Sumatra Thread!

Still no new pics but we finally went and figured out which girls we're keeping and which are going to be sold. Looks like we have 3 keeper girls and 3 going to the sale pen for duns and only 1 black pullet from this year. For cockerels we are still sorting through them since we had an issue with a feather eater and picking, the tails on some haven't grown back yet. But based on combs and feet, we are down to 5 dun cockerels and a few blacks. For bantams we only have 2 black pairs that look good so far with 2 hen raised pullets (black and blue) and a couple blacks that we can't tell the gender of yet.

Pics coming soon I hope, we'll be taking pics of the ones for sale so I'll try to get some of the keepers too

Yes, all of my Sumatras are from Cackle. I bred Daddy with daughters this last Spring. I think their size is a little small. I think they need to be a little longer legged.
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What color would you call this fella? My Sumatra cock is his daddy...

and here is his fibromelanistic moms...they are the same size and type as my Sumatra hens...


and one of his brothers...
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Yes, did you get the pleasure of meeting him in person?
No I didnt meet him but the person that sold me the birds knows him well. Mine are from his bloodlines I was told. I was able to take some pic of them today but cant post with the computer Im on. hopefully I can later with my own computer. I thought they would be a bit bigger though....they have very dark heads with yellow bottom feet, small combs, no wattles and a VERY bright green sheen. When do the spurs begin to develop because these birds must be at least 7-8 months old and I dont see much development on the legs:(

Has anyone been successful in making them somewhat friendly and enjoy being handled?

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