Swamp cooler pumps question? Thanks


Mar 28, 2020
So... we have to usually get a pump for our swamp cooler every year. They get clocked with rust, debris from the cooler. They last till end of season and then I think the debris settles into them and clogs them up. But it doesn't happen till end of season when they aren't being used. And the prices on these things they are taking us over the coals for replacement parts. It actually is very upsetting. its about a 80% increase in price per year! 2 years ago these little pumps were like 10-12.50 USD. Then last year they doubled in price. DOUBLED. Then this year they are between 40 dollars and go all the way up to 99 dollars. But often the 40 dollar ones are 'forgotten' to be put on the shelf, so that the higher end priced ones are the only ones visible.

I wanted to ask if there's a way to fix these? I thought maybe someone might be able to... maybe leave them overnight in rubbing alcohol or something else to unglue the parts that are seized up with debris? Or is there a better idea? What do you guys think?

Thank you very much.
Is your water alkali? Maybe you could try a product called CLR, it breaks up Calcium, Lime and Rust. Or try vinegar, it dissolves minerals in coffee pots. Idk, just a suggestion.
You're welcome, if it works, and if it doesn't ... well, you're no worse off, I guess. Please let me know how it goes. I'm in a humid part of the country now, so no longer use swamp coolers, and when I did the pumps were cheap enough to replace. If I remember, I'll ask my brother and son, who still live in the arid SW, what they recommend.
You're welcome, if it works, and if it doesn't ... well, you're no worse off, I guess. Please let me know how it goes. I'm in a humid part of the country now, so no longer use swamp coolers, and when I did the pumps were cheap enough to replace. If I remember, I'll ask my brother and son, who still live in the arid SW, what they recommend.
It looks like it worked. Only my brother fixed it before I could watch and observe. But I think he used that trick and we talked about it, but then I had to go run an errand. But when I'd come back he had it working. So I think it worked. :) Thank you.

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