swollen breast and curled up feet


May 13, 2024
This is our first time raising chickens. We have a golden comet pullet, who is the runt. She is probably 6 weeks old. She had pasty butt the day after bringing them home. Yesterday, she was listless and her feet seemed paralyzed. She has been removed from the flock; the others were stepping on her. She will eat and drink if she's close to enough. She cannot really walk because her toes are curled up. Her breast seems swollen like a water balloon. Not sure what to do. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
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Can you post photos of her, her feet and her poop?
What do you feed?
Do you provide grit for your chicks?

The breast being swollen like a water balloon sounds like she has a crop that is not emptying. I'd read the article below and treat that symptom accordingly.

Have you treated for Coccidiosis or anything else?

Hi. Sorry for the delayed response. (I thought I'd get notification if someone responded.) We thought we were going to lose her but she got better. I gave her grit, garlic, mint, sugar water, not really sure if those remedies helped. She appeared to have "vomited" liquid when I picked her up one day (although I know chickens can't really do that). She has been in with the others for over a week. She is a strange one. She's less than half the size of the others and tries to eat anything in sight. Her crop area is swelling up like a water balloon again. Tried turning her upside down to release the blockage and massaged the area. I think she has a congenital defect. I'm not sure what else to do.
Thanks for your help!


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