Swollen eyelid and swollen flesh around eye

Yes, that is the one. You can give it orally with an oral syringe. Same dosage as before. The oral syringe has a longer tip on it. I had to buy some syringes with needles though to get the Tylan out of the bottle, but those are very inexpensive. There is a Tylan soluable that you can mix in the water, but I don't know anything about that one. You don't want to mix the Tylan 50 with water though. Walgreens gave me some oral syringes for free in the pharmacy.
As far as separating her, that's not a bad idea. By any chance can you take a picture and post it on here of what her eye looks like? That's always helpful.
I'd try to flush it out with some saline solution, like eye wash. You could try to wrap her in a towel to keep her somewhat confined and see if you can open it and see anything in there. I don't see any type of discharge or anything like that. It could very well be an injury, but you do want to keep an eye on it for bubbles, pus, drainage and things like that. When my hen got pecked in the eye, I did separate her for a couple of days until the swelling went down because she was having a little trouble jumping up on the roost and in the coop itself. She was at a disadvantage and I didn't want the others to peck her for being "weak". Giving a chicken antibiotics in my opinion is a last resort, because you don't want to use them if they're not necessary and have the chickens develop an immunity to them. You can try the Vetericyn as well, or neosporin. The Vetericyn did work for my girl. Just keep a very close eye on her for any other signs of a respiratory problem. It wouldn't hurt to isolate her while you're monitoring her.
SO today I flushed her eye with just some spring water and im not sure if I was seeing things but it looked bubbley in the inner corner. So I applied the Vetericyn gel to her eye and ran back out to TSC again to get the Tylan 50. I decided to give it to her orally(I gave her 1/2cc). I wasnt sure how much to give her( I know you said 1/2cc) but i realized I think I forgot to mention her age. She is a standard barred rock and 16weeks and 3days old and I concider her to be small the smallest in our flock. Is 1/2cc still the right dosage or is 1/4cc more accurate. I dont want to give her the wrong dose. Thanks again for all the replies and info. This BYC community really is absolutly fantastic.
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Her eye looks slightly better today Im so glad I started her on meds. I give Tylan once a day correct? And should I still keep applying the Vetericyn gel to her eye or skip that now that she is on Tylan?
I don't think it would hurt to apply the Vetericyn once or twice a day still. It could be that it's helping her. It's not an antibiotic, so it shouldn't hurt anything. It's going to take the Tylan a little while to work, so I'd keep her on it for 5-7 days..once a day.

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