Swollen eyelids


May 1, 2022
Southern Missouri
Hen with swollen eyelids, top more than bottom on both eyes. No other symptoms.
NO. ->>
Discharge from nostrils
None on others in flock

Eating normal and free ranging daily with flock. Acting normal! Been this way almost 3 weeks. Not worse, not better. They are not swollen shut.. but definitely swollen. I do not know what to do for her? Thank you.
Hen with swollen eyelids, top more than bottom on both eyes. No other symptoms.
NO. ->>
Discharge from nostrils
None on others in flock

Eating normal and free ranging daily with flock. Acting normal! Been this way almost 3 weeks. Not worse, not better. They are not swollen shut.. but definitely swollen. I do not know what to do for her? Thank you.


If it's been going on for 3 weeks...not sure what it is. Have you treated her eyes with anything, cleaned them or applied ointment?
No ma'am. Nothing. They look clean. The top lid pooches out pretty good. And she seems normal otherwise.
Will try to get a pic... have to go down to coop. WOW.. just had a thought! She looks like someone when they first wake up after sleeping hard.. eyes poofy! Hahaha

If it's been going on for 3 weeks...not sure what it is. Have you treated her eyes with anything, cleaned them or applied ointment?
Excuse her powdered look! Earlier in the day we had cleaned nest boxes and put in DE as well as adding more dirt and DE to their bathing tub. She always has to check out anything new i do.. so she powdered herself i guess?? Haha


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They are a bit puffy aren't they.

Have you noticed if she has any lice or mites?

I'd take a look inside the beak just to make sure there's nothing going on in there - look for mucous, yellow or white pasty material that would indicate canker.

Not sure what would be causing the eyes to look like that. You can put a bit of Terramcyin eye ointment into the eyes and on the surrounding tissue to see if that helps. When you apply the ointment, look for any small wounds or bug bites - perhaps she's been stung by something.
Hi, any updates? Has she been treated and how is she doing? My hen seems to have similar problem.
Nothing to offer really..
I did as wyorp rock suggested.
1) checked in her mouth .. normal
2) looked her and others over for mites or lice. Saw nothing. But on the chance i overlooked something we treated them all and pulled everything out of coop to bare bones. Poisoned everything left.. dirt floor, walls etc. Our roosts are made over a table for keeping poop picked up daily. Just like a litter box. Use horse sweet pdz. Never odor!
Washed everything we took out, then poisoned it. Had to put all the chix in temporary location cause this was a 2 day job for us. Then next morning put down 6 inches of sand. Then 3,-4 inches pine shavings. Put everything back in.. new nest material. All like new! Had just wormed them not long before the eye issue.
3) used the terramycin for her eyes.
4) did a look around outside and inside eyes.. best she would tolerate! And have done it more than once too! Her eyes look the same today as they did the day i took the pics. One might have gotten a teeny bit more swollen. Badically. No change!
FYI-> after being out of their coop for 2 days and going back to a very clean abode.. you should have heard their complaints! Haha one hen went in every nest box and came out really fussing at us! Haha but the biggest amount of griping came from the rooster!! Haha. It took al of them 20 min or so just looking around and complainig! Guess they didnt want a good cleaning done!! So funny!

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