Swollen Foot- No punctures, not bumble


In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2023
Greenwell Springs, La
I'm back again. Can't seem to catch a break with my girls here lately.

Yesterday I noticed one of my Cream legbars had a swollen foot ⬇️
(Picture on right was yesterday, pic on left was early this morning.)

I will catch a picture of the bottom when I get home just to show, but when I looked at it I did not see bumble foot nor did I see any kind of puncture.
She is still walking completely normal on it as of this morning.

When I get home from work I will soak her in warm epsom salt and lightly wrap her foot. If it is some sort of infection hopefully it will work its way out.
But could this also just be a bruise?

Curious to know how to tell, or if its just a 'time will tell' situation.
It looks like bumblefoot between the toes. There may be scabs on the foot pads. You can start out with soaking the feet in warm Epsom salts or soapy water for 15 minutes daily. Then you can try applying a sugardine (paste of sugar and betadine10%) or Prid drawing salve 2x2 bandage and change daily. The bubbles between the toes may need to be lanced and squeezed for pus, but I would start treating gradually. Here is a good article about bumblefoot:
It looks like bumblefoot between the toes. There may be scabs on the foot pads. You can start out with soaking the feet in warm Epsom salts or soapy water for 15 minutes daily. Then you can try applying a sugardine (paste of sugar and betadine10%) or Prid drawing salve 2x2 bandage and change daily. The bubbles between the toes may need to be lanced and squeezed for pus, but I would start treating gradually. Here is a good article about bumblefoot:

It looks like bumblefoot between the toes. There may be scabs on the foot pads. You can start out with soaking the feet in warm Epsom salts or soapy water for 15 minutes daily. Then you can try applying a sugardine (paste of sugar and betadine10%) or Prid drawing salve 2x2 bandage and change daily. The bubbles between the toes may need to be lanced and squeezed for pus, but I would start treating gradually. Here is a good article about bumblefoot:
I made a liar of myself, she definitely has bumble foot…. In both feet 😩
The swollen one isn’t even the worse one either.



I have no idea how I missed this.
My poor girls.
In 5 years we have never had an issue with chickens other than occasional sour crop and pecking injuries.

Suddenly, all within the last 2 weeks my girls have come up with coccidiosis, then roundworms, now this.
Make it make sense. Yes these things just happen, but all at once, when they live in a clean environment, I don’t get it. They must have gotten into some NASTY ground but sadly I don’t know how to pin point it so they don’t get in it again. 😭😭
It looks like bumblefoot between the toes. There may be scabs on the foot pads. You can start out with soaking the feet in warm Epsom salts or soapy water for 15 minutes daily. Then you can try applying a sugardine (paste of sugar and betadine10%) or Prid drawing salve 2x2 bandage and change daily. The bubbles between the toes may need to be lanced and squeezed for pus, but I would start treating gradually. Here is a good article about bumblefoot:

Is this stage of it too late to try the non surgical method? Or can I still try to soak her and work it out?

I want to do whatever is less painful and less stressful to her, but prepared to do what’s needed if it needs to be cut out. My husband will do that if needed, I’m too soft for that I’ll cry 😂😂
Is this stage of it too late to try the non surgical method? Or can I still try to soak her and work it out?

I want to do whatever is less painful and less stressful to her, but prepared to do what’s needed if it needs to be cut out. My husband will do that if needed, I’m too soft for that I’ll cry 😂😂
Should still be soakable, usually when it’s hardened and dark like this it’s actually easiest to pull out in once piece. Good luck with that little one though, you made need some tweezers lol.

Also, check the crevices between toes because it likes to hide down there sometimes.
I would try some soaking, and using the Prid or Sugardine dressings changed daily. Let them be normal. Lower roosts if needed, look for places to cause small cuts, keep things dry as possible, andif more bedding is needed. I don’t do surgery unless a chicken is limping from it or it looks abscessed, so treat conservatively first. Here is a good simple video of applying the foot dressing, and don’t get it too tight to cut off circulation:

I would try some soaking, and using the Prid or Sugardine dressings changed daily. Let them be normal.

I don’t do surgery unless a chicken is limping from it or it looks abscessed, so treat conservatively first.

Thank you 🙏

I ordered some Prid and 2x2 gauze last night that will be in tomorrow.
I have betadine and 4x4 gauze at home so I will do the sugardine tonight just to get it on there.

I'll be back if I run into more questions! haha
Should still be soakable, usually when it’s hardened and dark like this it’s actually easiest to pull out in once piece. Good luck with that little one though, you made need some tweezers lol.

Also, check the crevices between toes because it likes to hide down there sometimes.

Thank you!

I have tweezers I soaked in clorahexadine to sterilize those in case we need them! I'm expecting to have to soak her foot and use the Prid for a few days though.

Will I be able to feel the kernel from the start of this tonight, or is that the purpose of the Prid? (drawing it out).....
Basically how will I know when its time to try and actually work it out of her foot?
You may or may not get a kernel out. I have gotten a kernel out of the bottom, while the top of the foot between toes may just be liquid or stringy. The sugardine is very good on its own. You make the paste in a jar and use sugar plus a few drops of Betadine. It has been used on horses for years, and many here have used it.
You may or may not get a kernel out. I have gotten a kernel out of the bottom, while the top of the foot between toes may just be liquid or stringy. The sugardine is very good on its own. You make the paste in a jar and use sugar plus a few drops of Betadine. It has been used on horses for years, and many here have used it.

The smaller bumble seems to be getting smaller……. Is that what it’s supposed to do?

Been doing Epsom salt soak for about 10 min everyday, then spraying vetericyn, applying neosporin then the sugardine and wrapping.

The bigger one seems to be separating from the skin around the edges, which I feel is what I want. But that little one has me questioning it lol


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