
My college math model figured out that you are 40. Wow, who says we never use what we learned from school.
I knew something was wrong in my software. Blame this error on uncle Bill Gate for failure to track nick name to Teri MetCAlf. The weather is awesome, hope everyone enjoys their day.
We got our two new redheads last Thursday, and yesterday they apparently noticed the cat for the first time. Usually we keep Smoky indoors during the day and let him out at night. But in this beautiful weather, he was sunning himself on the poop deck and minding his own business. Both girls cautiously went over to chick him out, and apparently Smoky didn't meet with their approval. They started complaining loudly, and Reba began pacing back and forth in front of Smoky (about 6 or 8 inches away), still complaining and scolding. I couldn't understand what she was actually saying, but from the tone of her voice I know she was using very fowl language. Smoky could have reached out and swatted her, but he didn't, probably because he knew I was watching. Anyhow, it was a funny scene.
Our 9 week olds discovered our cat yesterday evening, too. All the Silver Hamburg roo did was stand up real tall and send the alert to the others. It sounds like you have little drama queens!! :lau. ...and a very patient cat!

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